Jinxed by the Branch Head Wang

"Ah! Why are they doing some celebration dance? Did something happen?" George was baffled by what he just saw. "Whatever.. It means they're going to celebrate the day they are going to suffer!"

He grabbed a bunch of potions that he had never used before.

"Hmm? What will i use for the first victim? Ah! what about this Slowness IV potion?" He throwed the potion to the most nearby demonic cultivator.


The sound of a glass bottle breaking apart could be heard in the room. And then George punched him in his abdomen. The first guinea pig's reaction were slowed down.

After a few seconds, he said things slowly, like when you edited a video to a slow motion. "Wh... oo.. ju... ssst hit.. meee?" Seeing that, George thought that maybe his the ability of speak and ability to think were also slowed down.

George nodded. "Another good one! It'd be great to use it when you fight someone. Unfortunately, it's only forty seconds when it was only a normal potion, but if it was splash potion, the duration probably reduced by a few seconds!"

George then picked another potion, it was minecraftian poison. If you have played minecraft before, you will know that the potion couldn't kill the players, but only leaving half of heart in the health bar. He became curious if the potion will kill someone, or maybe not.

He throwed the splash potion of poison casually to a floor. There's a lot of those demonic cultivator nearby the floor that the poison was thrown. "I guess they'll never know why they die."

Soon all of them felt pain coming to all of their body. From their heads to toes, it was really painful. "W.. what's happening? ARGH!"

George moved to another spot and this time, he used potion of nausea this time. All of the surrounding guards felt their heads spinning, they felt that they wanted to vomit. "Wh.. what's happening? BLERGH~"

"Mmn.. just a basic potion!" He moved to another spot. When he moved to another spot, all of them said something similar to the lines such as "What's happening to me?" or maybe "Who the heck just blindfolded me?". Whenever he moved, all of them suffered from something.

"Wh.. what's happening? Did we got cursed by the Branch head Wang?" One of them initially was joking around when he saw all of them suffering, but when he also got jinxed, he immediately scared of what's happening.

Sun Zhou and Mu Yifei were also flabbergasted by the absurd thing they just seen. For some reason, one of them talked very slowly, there's one group who suddenly groaned in pain, there's another group who vomited out of nowhere, and there's a lot more of strange things happening.

But, for Su Ling, she knows who were in behind of this mess. With this distractions, she grabbed the two of those silly disciples of her and engaging fights to the remaining demonic cultivators.

As they fought with the demonic cultivators, George suddenly came up to them and said. "Do you guys want to see an interesting thing?"

Sun Zhou and Mu Yifei was slightly shocked by his voice, but Su Ling was not shocked by that. She knows that he was inside of this room and helped them to escape. "Don't worry guys.. It's an ally! It was the senior that gave i the potion of invisibility to me. He's probably used the same thing on himself!"

The two of them relieved when they heard that. "Th.. thank you senior for helping us!"

George simply replied to them "No problem! Anyway, do you guys want to see something increadibly impossible to happen in this world?"

"Uhh.. what's is that increadibly impossible thing?" Sun Zhou replied.

George laughed when he heard Sun Zhou's reaction. "It was... wait.. what is this smell?" He frowned. And then George saw Sun Zhou's wet pants.

George once again laughed. "Woah.. you just created a huge island on those pants! Don't worry.. people does that too, occasionally!" Said George while he patted Sun Zhou's shoulder.

Sun Zhou didn't know whenever to laugh or to cry. "B- But, it wasn't mine!"

George nodded "Don't worry, it's okay to wet your pants occasionally! Furthermore they say that happiness is similar to it. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth! Ahaha!" George laughed so much until his belly hurts.

Sun Zhou's face flushed red. "Why am i embarrassed by that? It wasn't even mine to begin with! It's was that cowardly guard's fault!"

Su Ling and Mu Yifei also wanted to laugh, but they didn't dare to show it in the front of Sun Zhou's face.

"Ahaha.. Okay.. Let's stop joking around!" George took a deep breath to stop his laughter. He then said sternly "Sigh... I wanted to create / summon a terrifying monster to this place. What do you think of that idea?"

"Uhh.. up to you, senior!" the three of them only answered that.

George was already finished on trying all of his potions, so he didn't have any thing to do in this pagoda anymore. "Let's get it over with! I want to go back to my home!"

He throwed the soul sands that he wanted to use earlier to the ground. And once again shaped it to a "T" shape. He shaped it on the floor, instead of making it standing like when he played minecraft.

"Soul sands can't just magically flies away in the air right? So i must shaped it on the ground." He thought.

Then he grabbed three wither skulls that he got from his last expedition to the nether.

He just planted the skulls on the top of the "T" shape. Before he planted the last skull, he said to the three kids "After i put this last skull, ran as fast as possible to the entrance. After that let's just watch the show!"

The three of them nodded their heads. As soon as George planted the last skull, the four of them ran away from that place quickly until they are outside of the pagoda.