Taming a Pinky?

"Run! It's a pinky!" Su Ling shouted to Mu Yifei. She was worried about what going to happen if Mu Yifei was attacked by it.

The pinky is a demonic being from a mod called Lycanites mobs. It looked like a strange looking animal that had horns with a ridiculously huge body part. They didn't have any fur, and their skin looked really pinkish and grotesque looking, similar to flesh. Maybe it was why it was called pinky..

From what they heard from George, it liked to eat cows, sheep, and pigs. And they also can be tamed by feeding them those poor animals. And apparently.. some people liked to use them as livestock.. as they said that their meat tasted really good.. But, seeing the thing itself wandering around the nether.. Meh.. not so much!

And the most important thing is the fact that they hit like a literal truck and was kinda fast. If they could tame one.. it could be very awesome and their abilities is a very good thing to have.

"Junior Sister Su! I'll try to capture it, while you guys come back to our world and grab some raw meat! I want to try taming it.. Master said that if we tamed it, they could be a mounts.. as they were faster than a regular horse. And they had a lot of pretty useful abilities too! Like biting anything that you attacked, they will also protect you from the wither effect and they could use an ability called Withering Roar where every nearby enemies become withered!!"

Su Ling nodded and come back to their real world and bought fresh meat from traditional markets and went back to the nether immediately while leaving Mu Yifei in the shop.

Meanwhile, Sun Zhou was playing tag with the pinky. He just runs away from the pinky.. until Su Ling came back to the nether.

As he kept running, every second felt like a year. He just wanted it to stop chasing him.. Even though he was a cultivator, his stamina could also run out. And then.. there's a lot of aggressive mobs that suddenly joined the chase. "I spoke too soon and was too cocky earlier! Please come here faster, Junior Sister Su!!!" He said miserably.


"Hey Brother Li, we have almost arrived at my portal!" And then he frowned when he saw a scene of a guy running around while he was chased by a lot of mobs. He facepalmed when he saw that.

"What's happening there?"

George laughed awkwardly.. "I think it was one of my disciples.. He was chased by a lot of monsters.. And why didn't he fight back?"

"Ooh! A pinky! I remember those things.. I had always wanted to tame it, but unfortunately.. I don't have any cow meats.." Li Weixiang said. He was pretty interested in it too.

And then George saw a woman came out from the portal with a ton of meats and threw it to Sun Zhou. "Ahh! They actually wanted to tame one!" All of them nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, Themerm and Mengi were flabbergasted by them. "What's happening to that pinky? Why are they feeding them meat? It's a waste.."

George didn't know what to say to these two.. "Actually.. they were trying to tame it with a slice of meat!"

"Wait.. you could tame that pinky beast? Amazing!" Mengi exclaimed. The pigtificates never had any idea on how to tame any monsters.

George nodded "They are pretty amazing to be a mount. And furthermore, their meat is supposed to be a very tasty thing. But, I never tried it tho.."

All of the pigtificates usually don't have any combat skills and their diet consist of only mushrooms that they cultivated in the village's farm.. until they died. In their village, there wasn't any barns or something like that, so they were very awed by the idea of taming those notorious mobs and eating them.

All of them kept looking at Sun Zhou and Su Ling that tried to tame it. But, in the end.. after they already feed the pinky all of those meats.. The pinky just went away and stopped attacking them.

"Uhh.. are we succeeded or not? Why does it seem like the pinky isn't really tamed by us?" Sun Zhou asked.

George then came up to them. "Well.. maybe you should do it a couple more times before it opened up their heart to you? All tamers that wanted to tame wild animals are doing things like that, right?"

Li Weixiang also nodded his head in agreement. "But.. I suppose you still need to capture them, so you know which pinky that you wanted to be tamed.."

George and the other agreed to that logic. If he tried to feed another pinky, then the pinky that he just gave the beef.. will definitely not be tamed by them.

"Oh yeah, where is your junior sister?" George asked curiously. And he also added.. "So.. how is it? training in here? Good, right?"

Su Ling answered. "Answering to master, Junior sister Mu already went back to our real world. We asked her to stay there, so we could tame the pinky more effectively. And the training here is really the best thing I've ever seen in my entire life!! It was much better than meditating and absorbing spiritual qi."

Sun Zhou nodded in agreement. "Junior Sister Mu already advanced to the second realm! While we are at the peak of the fourth realm! This special realm is indeed the best treasure trove for us, cultivators!"

George laughed awkwardly and said "Well.. Okay.. let's go back.. Shall we?"

All of them jumped into the portal, while George, little ginseng, Themerm, and Mengi is still inside the nether.

George said to them "Just go inside the portal. It's just going to be very dizzying, but it was harmless!"

They nodded and went into the portal together. After seeing them disappeared, George and little ginseng is the last one that used the portal to come back to the world of cultivators.