The Tower of The Twilight Lich (Part 3)

After he had experienced the power of the twilight scepter, he felt that his insides hurt really bad. It was possible that the power of that orb is to mess up the internal organs of the damaged receiver.

"What is this thing! Why can't I damage him?!" He cursed Su Ling for luring him to this weird palace. He didn't even see Su Ling on the way up here. "Where the hell is that guy anyway?" He frowned.

George and Su Ling only looked at him from the stairs and as what George was expecting, that guy couldn't damage the twilight lich. While Su Ling was astonished by it. "This.. Even a fifth realm cultivator couldn't damage it! And why the hell is he naked while he fights the twilight lich?!"

"Two possibilities, he didn't bring any clothes or he didn't have any time to wear his clothes. Well.. duh! If he does that the twilight lich will kill him with the twilight scepter."

She nodded and continued to see how the guy that followed her with potion of invisibility fought with the twilight lich. If she could found a few weakness, it would help their fight against it. She just didn't know why her master seems to be very excited by it. From what she just saw, there's no way that anyone could destroy the annoying golden shield that surrounded the twilight lich. Not only that, the twilight lich could teleport and make their own clone.. How could someone kill this powerful being?!

"Maybe.. Master had a strategy! He said that beforehand! If only we could nullify the golden shield.. We will have a chance of beating this monster, even if it can teleport and make their own clone.. We still can handle it! But.. the only problem is the shield!" She thought. She racked her brain to speculate what kind of strategy will her master use.


Seeing the twilight lich won't move an inch from his position and only stared at him blankly while throwing the weird orb at him without a strategy. The guy exploded and tried to punch the golden shield countless times. He thought that this monster belittling him and didn't see him as a threat.

But, the anger that swelled up slowly turned into despair. He couldn't even damage the twilight lich, and could only dodge it's attack. The twilight lich didn't seem to be very tired and kept attacking him at the same pace, meanwhile, he was panting non-stop from dodging the attack.

Even though the attack isn't really that fast, but if the twilight lich attacked him continuously.. He would have to also dodge it continuously.. And that would make his stamina depleted sooner or later. "I wish that I have bought a potion of strength! I think if I had the potion of strength and my cultivation strength raised one realm, I could deal damage to this weird skeleton demon!"

That exclamation was heard by George and Su Ling. They were very baffled by it. "What! Potion of strength could raise your cultivation state for a few minutes!" Su Ling looked at George in astonishment.

George also didn't think that this potion could raise your cultivation state like that. He knew that this guy's master bought all of his potions, so he might already know about all effects of his potions. And the biggest thing is that.. this potion of strength is still underrated and just a few people bought it in this few days. He should change the price of this potion and told the costumers about the effect.

If those people from Zhenqiu knew about this.. It's possible that this potion will be the second best seller after the regeneration potion.

George then laughed in his heart. Even if this guy had a potion of strength and used it for temporary power, he still couldn't damage it. He still has to destroy the shield first, and how much power you had isn't necessary for destroying the golden shield. You only need to reflect the orb from that twilight scepter to one of the golden shields. And what you need to destroy five golden shields that are orbiting around the twilight lich is timing and precision.

But when the guy successfully evaded the twilight lich's attack, he suddenly got hit by the same orb from behind.


He spurts a mouthful of blood. "No way! I'm pretty sure that I have evaded all of his attacks! Why do I get attacked?!" He then looked at behind him. Another twilight lich appeared behind him. And one more appeared nearby. "Wh- what's happening! Y.. you are a coward! How dare you call your friends!" He gave a bloodshot eye to the first twilight lich. Even with only one twilight lich, he was very helpless and now.. there's three of them. With these three, he was very sure that he was going to die.

He clenched his fist and tried to fight back for the last time. The last attack that he had taken is almost made him fainted.

"What! Is this the clones?" Su Ling asked curiously.

George nodded his head. "Yep! This is his clones.. They have the same ability as the twilight lich. But of course, there's a way to differentiate between the twilight lich and his clone! Could you guess?"

Su Ling's eyes then narrowed. "They didn't have any of those golden shields.. And the colors in their bones.. seems to be slightly darker than the twilight lich!"

"Bingo! Yep.. They could be finished easily. But.. this guy is definitely doomed! He didn't know any information about it, so he wouldn't know how to beat it!"

Su Ling nodded her head in agreement. If she was the one who accidentally went to this floor, she would definitely die of horrible death. "Master.. So how do we defeat this thing?! I have been observing it for a while, so I could find some of his weaknesses.. but, I don't see anything! Maybe.. it's an immortal?!"


George laughed so hard, that he teared up a little. "No.. it's not! The only way to kill this thing is by destroying five of those golden shields, and then beat the crap out of this thing! After destroying the golden shields, it would be very easy! Well.. if only he couldn't teleport! And also.. there's another way to kill this thing easily!" He smiled cunningly.