George, The Rat Whisperer

George coughed lightly "Okay.. Uhh.. Jab, Jib, Jub, Jeb, and Job! Your jo.. Wait... Ahem! Your assignment is to protect the fort. Protect the residence from any mobs that tried to go inside our mansion!"

The rat warriors nodded their head. They seemed to understand what George was saying.

George then thought of something. "If there are your fellow rats that tried to steal the farm... Uhh.. Capture them! Don't kill it! I still need more servants!"

George actually wanted to be like Cinderella or Snow White, that calls upon small animals to help them cleaning a room, while they themselves were not doing anything at all. "Come on... Who doesn't want that crazy power? It looked very dope and very convenient! All I need to do is just telling them to clean the entire mansion, while I just danced around playfully. All people will think that I was the one who cleaned the most of it, but it was not the truth. The real worker is these rats, while I was just distracting them from their work with my dancing and singing!"

George smiled and said to the three rats without any upgrade. "The assignments for three of you are helping Remi with cooking and cleaning the mansion. Could you guys do it?"

The three rats nodded their head. Their cute whiskers also moved when they do that. It made George want to pinch all of it. Even though it was a rat, it's more cute and appealing than the real one.

"Okay.. For Jerry... Your job is.."

That one rat called Job looked at him curiously. It made George squinted his eyes. "I mean.. Your assignment is to follow me and fought anyone who tried to harm me!"

Jerry, the battle god nodded his head and tried to make a salute to George. It was kinda weird, looking at a blocky rat that tried to salute to someone. Then Jerry jumped to one of George's shoulder and sit in there proudly.

Final words for them, George said "If you all do these job... Ahem! I mean these assignments beautifully, I'll get you a ton of cheese for all of you!"

All rats in there jumped excitedly when they heard George's word. Then the rat warriors split up and defended each side of George's mansion, while the last one on the power plant.

Remi went to the kitchen, while Jerry kept hang out on George's shoulder. "Sooner or later, I will be known as the first human emperor with a lot of strange subjects!"

Then George saw the three unupgraded rats that tried to follow Remi. "Wait.. you three should fix the garden first! It was such a mess.."

The three rats nodded their head and tried to fix up the garden.


In the morning, Mu Yifei and the others came out from their rooms and were shocked by these rats. They went inside because it wasn't night time anymore and George ordered them to rest on day time.

"Wh- what's happening? Why is there a rat in this mansion?!" Mu Yifei asked Themerm, Mengi and little ginseng. But, Themerm and Mengi couldn't understand a thing about what she was saying.

And even if they could understand it, it was not much use, as they also don't know anything about it. "Wait... I saw these creatures yesterday! They are the one who tried to eat the mandrake plant that almost made us deaf!" Themerm frowned when he remembered that. He clearly saw these weird creatures yesterday.

"Really?! Should we kill it or not?" Mengi also narrowed her eyes. She remembered about the terror of the mandrake's scream and almost wanted to slap these cute creatures, but when she saw how cute these creatures were. She could do it at all. "Maybe you saw it wrongly? How come these small cute things could be that savage?! Just look at those eyes, those small whiskers and that little paw! Aaaaahhhh... So cute!"

Not only Mengi, Mu Yifei, and little ginseng thought that the rat warrior is very adorable.

Themerm : "..."

"Ahem! I think we should go to the garden! Do you remember about the situation last night?" said Themerm to Mengi.

They nodded their head furiously and ran to the garden. But... what they have seen made their eyes popped out. "Daddy?! Why is there a cute rat on your shoulder? It wears a small aqua-colored helmet... So cute!" Little ginseng asked George curiously.

"M- Master? What happened here? Why do these rats stayed at our mansion and there are a few of them cleaning the garden right now?" Mu Yifei also asked.

"HAHA.. They are currently my servants! There's also a chef in the kitchen! Here.. Take these cheeses and store it! Give it to them whenever I went out. They loved to eat cheese!" George gave a ton of cheese wheels to Mu Yifei, so she stored them inside her dimensional ring.

"Wait what? Now we have a chef?" Mu Yifei narrowed her eyes in shock.

George nodded his head. "Oh yeah.. you guys seem to be hard on communicating with each other... Maybe you should also teach Themerm and Mengi to speak the chinese language!"

Mu Yifei nodded her head. It was very hard to communicate with each race, so it was a good idea. "I will gladly do it, Master!"

George was satisfied with what he was hearing. "Okay... Are you guys hungry? My chef already made breakfast for us!"

"Umm.. Is it really okay? We haven't repaired the garden!" Themerm bashfully asked.

George laughed when he heard that. "It's okay!" Then he clapped his hand to make the three odd job rats to stop working and followed him around.

"You three should wash up first! After that come to the dining room! We'll eat breakfast first, and then after eating breakfast, you could continue fixing the garden."

When the three rats heard that, they jumped excitedly and ran away to the river to clean themselves.

The two pigtificates, little ginseng, and Mu Yifei were astonished by what they have just seen. "M- Master could order these rats?"

George nodded. "I tamed all of them! Cute right? Let's go to the dining room!"

They nodded their head. They were very shook with these rats that are repairing the garden and guarding the mansion, what reaction will they make when they realized that the chef is a rat too?