New Day, New Trouble (1)

Jerry ate the eat me cake and he slowly grew to the size of a horse.

Well.. that's considered very big, for a rat. But, even so.. George could use it as his mount. Just imagine people's face when they saw this gigantic rat that George was using as a mount. They will probably be very shocked by it.

Not only that, Jerry was very strong and he could run as fast as a cheetah. Because of the battle god upgrade, all aspect was upgraded by it. Strength, Speed, Defense, etc.

George then sighed. He literally used all of his savings for the battle god upgrade. He is very broke right now, so he wanted to make a ton of money by selling a new kind of potions.


"Good morning, Master!" Su Ling and Sun Zhou woke up and greeted their master respectfully. But, they just can not unsee the gigantic rat in this f*cking room.

"Uhh.. Master.. what is this animal? A Spirit beast?"

"Nah.. it's just my pet. It's called Jerry, the battle god!" said George.

Their mouth twitched when they heard the word "pet", but why is this rat called battle god?

"It's gigantic! Did master found this rat on the twilight forest?"

George nodded. "Yeah.. it's actually just the size of a palm, but I fed Jerry an eat me cake. So it grows to this size!"

"Eat me cake? Wot?" The two of them didn't know anything.

(A/N : You never played tuber simulator? [Sorry.. had to do this lol])

"It's a new item! Eat me cake is to make you bigger, while drink me potion is for making your body smaller!"

Su Ling and Sun Zhou looked at each other. "The effects sound cool, but why is their name so... unquestionable?"

George laughed. "It's called like that from where it's at! Well.. they have other names. Drink me potion is pishsalver, while eat me cake is upelkuchen. But, could you even pronounce it?"

"Uhh.. piss.. sah.. vear? uper... kucin?"

"I knew it.. just call it drink me potion and eat me cake then!"

They nodded in embarrassment. It was very hard for them to spell an English word, moreover these two German words. (A/N : Sorry if it wasn't lol)

"Alright.. let's open the shop-" Before George could finish talking, there's a loud noise coming from the door. It was someone who kept banging on the door.

"What the hell?" George frowned. Su Ling and Sun Zhou also were annoyed by it. "Who the hell makes such a fuss in this beautiful morning? I just wanted to sell these two wonderful things. And there's this guy who tried to mess with my shop?!"


George rolled his eyes and ordered Sun Zhou to open the door. "Who is it? Why are you banging on the door impatiently?" Asked Sun Zhou.

Zhang Fu immediately barges in and shouted loudly to George when he saw him. "WHERE THE HELL IS MY DISCIPLE?! HE WENT HERE A FEW DAYS AGO!!"

"Who..." asked George.

"MY DISCIPLE!" Replied Zhang Fu

"Asked that?" [1]

Zhang Fu : "..."

Su Ling & Sun Zhou : "..."

Every passerby : "..." This little guy is very daring and savage today.

People started to look at the commotion and made the store crowded. People liked to have drama to watch, so it was inevitable.

George frowned when he realized that this guy wanted to mess around with him. "What do you mean by your disciple? Why do you ask me that? Look at me! Do I look like a fortune teller to you?!"

Zhang Fu sneered at him. "He went here a few days ago and he didn't come back! So I should ask you that!"

George wanted to laugh so hard. He knew who was the mastermind that asked that dead disciple to spy on him. "So?"

Zhang Fu sneered again. "Of course it must have been you! You killed my disciple!"

George acted like he was very shocked. "Really?! I haven't even seen him and you dared to say that! Where's the proof then?!"

"Here!" Zhang Fu gave George an emblem that's broken into two pieces. "It's a life emblem, that's marked with my disciple's soul. If it's broken like that, it means that he was dead!"

"Then? Why does this have to do with me?" The audience also nodded their head. If his disciple died, does that have anything to do with George? Not really.. It means that the disciple itself who was in fault.

"I know... It must have been your fault! I asked him to buy potions from your shop, and he didn't come back!"

George frowned again. "Like I said.. Does that have to do with me? What if he was killed when he went out? What if he was killed by a conspiracy? What if he was killed from vengeance? No one really knows that!"

"Yeah.. Why does Owner Ma is at fault? He just sells potions and never went out!" The people agreed to George's argument.

"And yesterday... Owner Ma said that there's someone who succeeds in stealing his potion ingredients! He didn't even know who did that! Right?" A lot of people nodded their head in agreement. Zhang Fu didn't know what to say to that.

"The owner even said that he will kill the person who stole the ingredients for making potions to half dead! Owner Ma, do you already found the culprit?" When Zhang Fu heard that, he knows what else to say.

George then facepalmed. "I thought you guys wanted to help me out! And you said things to his advantage... ARGH! I'll make sure to raise the price of each potion to these guys!" Said George inwardly.

George didn't have any other choice, but to answer it. "Of course I have found it! It was this guy!" George called Jerry over and they gasped when they saw it.

"T- This giant rat?! Wh- What an interesting spirit beast! And that domineering size made it looked like unbeatable!"

Other people nodded their head. "I could feel his power! It's a strong spirit beast! How could Owner Ma found this wonderful spirit beast?! You are indeed very talented at everything!"

Georges' mouth twitched when he heard their bootlicking ability. But then Zhang Fu counter attacked it.

"It's obviously a lie! He definitely killed my disciple, because you thought that he was the one who stole the ingredients!"

George: "..."