Exhale of the Horned Ones

The next step to start the beginning of botania is to create a mana pool with the purified stones that are called livingrock.

BUT... As you all know, Ain't nobody got time for carving a whole bowl from a freakin' stone, so he bought a cheap gigantic stone bowl and placed it near the pure daisy.

"I hope that this will work! It would suck to carve a block of stones!" He thought of this idea just now, but he actually doesn't know if it's going to work or not, as there is no such a thing from the original mod.

"Well... It's just a waiting game for now on! I guess... I should just start my witchery studies, instead of wasting times just by watching the bowl turned into a livingrock bowl that could store mana!"

Instead of wasting much time, it's indeed a very good idea to move on to another mod to strengthen himself from any dangers, especially the witchery mod! The reason that he wanted to start on the witchery mod, was because there's a lot item that was very heaven-defying and should not even exist in this world.

It's called a death protection poppet! Like what the name said, it's a poppet that could protect you from death. The principle of this heaven-defying thing is when you die, the poppet itself will take away all of the damages on your body and self destruct after receiving that, so the injuries won't go back to the original body.

It's more or the less a totem of undying that's made of straws and magic fumes. A few people that haven't played any mods in their lives will think that this death protection poppet is very similar to a totem of undying... BUT, it's actually the reverse! This witchery mod could be considered as an old one, and this poppet thingy has been around for a long time and was definitely released before the totem of undying.

And the difference between the totem of undying and this death protection poppet is by the fact that the totem of undying couldn't be made from scratch, but you have to kill an evoker on a woodland mansion while the death protection puppet could be made by scratch by anyone.

There's also the fact that the totem of undying had a few buffs when it's activated, but the death protection didn't have any of those fancy effects. "I guess it was to balance things out!" George thought.

And the best part is that... if you could manipulate this kind of poppet, you could theoretically have an infinite amount of lives like you are inside a video game. And there's a weird artifact called poppet shelf. This poppet shelf's function was very amazing. If you had a totem of undying, you have to hold it in your hands to activate the totem when you die, but with this weird artifact, you could store all of your death protection poppets inside and still got revived when you die. So, no need to bring the death protection poppets everywhere.

"Okay... To start, I need a few things." He bought a few things like an altar, a witches oven, a witches distillery, a witches cauldron, and a witches kettle. "I think... This is good for now."

After he has these things, he needs to collect the fumes from burning any saplings that he got from using the witches oven. And use the fume to create a thing called mutandis.

Mutandis is a mutagen that is used by witches and warlocks to mutate plants into other species. Simply use Mutandis on small plants, grass, flowers, saplings, etc. and it will be randomly converted to another plant. Mutandis cannot mutate multi-stage plants like wheat and cactus.

Mutating plants is the only way to acquire Rowan, Hawthorn and Alder saplings inside Minecraft.

To create the mutandis, you will need one mandrake root, one fume from burning an oak sapling on the witches oven. It's usually called by witches and warlocks as the "Exhale of the Horned Ones". And lastly, you need an egg... Yes, a regular egg from your local chicken.

To make the mutandis, you will need to mix them up inside of the witches cauldron that has been filled with water.

You have to remember to put a fire source at the bottom of the cauldron, so the water boils. If the water turned into a boiling point, that's where you have to put all of the ingredients inside to create this mutandis thingy.

"Okay... So the first thing that I need is to put some clay jars in here, so it will catch the fumes from burning the oak sapling!" He bought a few clay jars and put it on it's designated place while he burned some oak saplings to create the exhale of the horned ones. "Okay... Now, I have to wait until it becomes the exhale of the horned ones! But... How do I know if it's really the exhale of the horned ones, not the normal clay jars?" He wondered inwardly.

「Ding! Don't worry about that! If it's already turned into an exhale of the horned ones, the clay jar will make a special symbol on it's body. It looked like the face of a horned huntsman.」

"Horned Huntsmen?! What kind of mob is that?" George curiously asked. Even though he had played witchery mod before, he only knows a few things and didn't try a myriad amount of things before he became bored of it.

「Ding! Mob? Pfft~ It's not a mob, but a very powerful boss that was created by the Horned God. If one is encountered, prepare for a hard fight, or better yet, flee.」

"Oh?" The symbol of the horned huntsmen suddenly appeared on the jar. It looked like a square-shaped guy with horns on his head. All of his head has the same brown color, which is a weird color. But, the eyes... It was green.. no... very green that it almost looked like he was inside a forest. "I have one exhale of the horned ones!" Said George excitedly.