Protection and Black Magic Poppets

"Ahem!" He coughed to change the subject. "Okay... The next thing that we want to know is what kind of poppet could we make? And what effect will they make?!"

Mu Yifei nodded and became really focused to study whatever George was saying. Seeing that she isn't bothered by "DNA" anymore, he sighed and continued to explain things to her.

"There are only two kinds of poppets that are available in this world."

"Two kinds?"

George nodded. "The first one is protection poppets, while there is also the opposite of this kind of poppets. It's called a black magic poppet."

He then continued "But... the majority of poppets are protection poppets, that is they take an effect instead of the bound person. For this to occur, the poppet must either be held in the specific person's hand, or they could be located on a special artifact that we like to refer as the Poppet Shelf."

"Wait... So what master meant, there are also many types of this protection poppets?" She only thought that there are only two kinds of poppets, but she didn't think that it was only the classification.

George nodded once more and said "Yes! There are a few that have been invented by a numerous number of aspiring witches and warlocks in this world. For example, the earth protection poppet that could save you from falling from an unimaginable height. If you are bound to this protection poppet, you won't die from any height!"

She then narrowed her eyes in shock. "Is there is also a poppet for protecting me from dying?"

George smirked when she said that. He was going to teach her everything, except that one poppet. It was going to be bad if someone knows about it. "Maybe..." He gave her a mysterious smile that she never have seen before.

She knew that she shouldn't have asked that question. "Maybe it was a sensitive matter that I shouldn't have asked?" She thought to herself.

George then chuckled when he saw her troubled face. "Okay... since you are very interested in this protection poppet thingy, I'll tell you all kind of poppets that we could make!"

"The next one is called water protection poppet. Like what the name said, it was to protect us from drowning."

"And then there's fire protection poppet. Like the water one, you could guess what's the effect, even if you don't hear my explanations."

"There's also this hunger protection poppet. Again... you could know about it's effect by only hearing about it's name."

"Okay... the next one is different than the last three poppets. It was called as voodoo protection poppet. The only function of this poppet was to avoid all kind of voodoo effects from the voodoo poppet. As for the voodoo? I'll explain it later!"

"After this voodoo protection poppet, there's also a weird one. It's called poppet protection poppet. The effect? It was to avoid the effects of the curse of corrupt poppet."

"There is also a tool protection poppet and it's friend, the armor protection poppet. It was for making sure that our tools and armor won't break that easily!"

"For the black magic category, there are only two types of poppet. The first one is the voodoo poppet and the second one is a vampiric poppet."

Mu Yifei was intrigued by the black magic category, because if the inversion of protection means that this poppet could damage another person. "What kind of effects will these two poppets make?!"

George then sighed and said. "Just as it is beneficial in poppet making, so too is there a darker side to this art. And this voodoo poppet is what gives the practitioners of poppet making a bad reputation. This poppet is used as a way to cause negative effects on the linked being. Even by swinging the poppet around will cause the linked person or creature to be thrown around violently. And if you poked the poppet with bone needles and stick one of them inside the poppet, it will cause a small amount of magic damage to the target. Not only that, but holding the poppet underwater may also cause the target to take drowning damage along with the player. And finally, using the poppet on lava will set the target on fire, destroying the poppet in the process and killing the person who was linked to the poppet to ashes!"

"And for the vampiric one... The vampiric poppet uses very dark magic indeed and must be linked to two-person or creatures. Any damage caused to the first bound person (or creature), will be redirected through the poppet to the second bound person (or creature). Each time the effect occurs, the poppet will take damage. But... once the target creature dies, the poppet will become inert until it was bound to a new target."

She then gasped in shock. These two poppets are really vicious! She then understands why George was saying that these two poppets are really what gives the practitioners of poppet making a bad reputation. The two of them couldn't be belittled and if it falls into a wrong hands, there's no way that a lot of good news will be heard everywhere.

And then George continued to explain this vampiric poppet. "But... Like what the protection poppet does. For this effect to occur, the poppet must either remain on the protected being or be stored on a poppet shelf somewhere. And to bind this poppet, you have to inject some blood from yourself and the target. The first Taglock Kit will become the protected individual, while the second the targeted individual!"

She gulped down her saliva. "Th- These two items are very evil! How could someone invent this kind of artifact?!"

George laughed it off. "It depends on the person who used it! If you used it for revenge, it would be very easy! You just need any of your targeted's blood or hair or something similar and the target will practically be dead!"