3. Astonishing Academy Part-1

The call from upstairs was definitely a mystical one. As soon as the person made the announcement, everyone inside the boat's berth began to move about. Some were tossing around in their places. Others were pulling off their blindfolds and covering their sensitive eyes. Even the stranger who seemed lifeless a minute ago was showing some movement.

Sam was the only one wide awake inside the berth, as Spence was sleeping.

"Wow! That person is amazing." Sam was completely awestruck. He tapped Spence's head.

"The sedative's effect wore off it seems," Spence drawled, bringing him back to reality.

"Sedative?" Sam questioned.

"Yeah, they had given everyone a short-term sedative shot, except to you and me. I looked unconscious, and you were unconscious."

"How can you be so sure?" Sam asked back.

"Bro, I saw them give the shots to people."

Spence got up and washed his face with the mineral water. Sleeping had helped him and he looked presentable now. All his dark circles were gone and puffiness under the eye had reduced. His face looked clean and tidy. He took out a comb from Sam's bag and began to run it through his hair, making them tamed again. Once again, he began to look like the 'Real Playboy' of their school. At that time, he heard a noise coming from the entrance of the berth, which they had kept locked all this while.

Sam and the others headed to the entrance and waited there. There was a loud noise of people talking outside and some occasional yelling. At last, after the commotion of 10 minutes, the metal shutter lock clicked. It rolled upwards, revealing the bright weather of the outside world.

"Whoa. This is amazing. Spence, come here right now!" Sam exclaimed.

Spence walked to the entrance and saw something amazing. It was the Bright Leaders Academy, standing on the sands of the Wysmen Islands. concrete walls on the four sides surrounded the magnificent beauty. Only the golden dome of the school's pavilion was visible. It almost seemed like a beautiful princess protected by guards and soldiers.

"Everyone. Please be careful as you leave the boat. There is a gap between the wood board and the concrete ground. If you act clumsy, you will fall into the sea." The person warned.

Everyone looked terrified after hearing that. They took extra measures to make sure they land and not fall into the sea. Sam wore a life jacket and stood on the wobbly wood board, waiting for the water to become stagnant. As soon as the boat stabilised, he jumped off and landed straight onto the concrete. The stranger to whom Spence had helped was next to de-board. He stood on the wood board and waited, but the boat was not stabilising and he decided to jump anyway.

He thrust his left foot but his right foot did not move as he froze in terror. Due to that, his feet slipped. He immediately shut his eyes tight.

I am done for!

He thought he might land in the water anytime but nothing happened. He opened his eyes and felt two people holding his hands, causing him to stop mid-air. It was Sam holding his right hand. He turned back to see who was holding his left hand. It was Spence. Spence jumped on to the concrete along with the stranger, who was now terrified. They waited for others to de-board the boat and gather near the entrance.

"Can I ask you both for a small favour?" The stranger finally spoke up. His voice was soothing. It was almost as if someone rubbed a feather upon a piece of velvet.

"Yeah, sure," Sam answered.

"Can you let go of my hands?! You both have been holding it since back then." The stranger was red with fury and his blue eyes were burning with rage.

"We're both sorry." Spence apologised.

"Yeah, we had completely forgotten about that." Sam followed.

"It's okay, but please leave me alone now." He requested.

Sam and Spence did not want to trouble the stranger. They had already seen what he had been through and they preferred not to pry any further. They moved near the main gate, where most of the crowd had gathered.

They could finally see the people who were with them, without any restrictions. Sam saw a pair of boys, who seemed to be about their age. They both looked like angels descended from heavens. Sharp masculine jaw-lines, beautiful brunette and ginger hair, crystal-like turquoise and hazel eyes, they had everything that could make all boys envious.

'Despacito' was ear-worming inside his ears.

The Latino ethnicity seemed embedded in them and one could hear 'Despacito' by Louis Fonci in their head if they stared at them for long enough. Which is exactly what Sam was doing. Staring at them.

"Um... Hi. Do you need something?" The brunette asked. He was of a good build and had a very deep voice.

"No... I don't need anything and I am sorry for staring at you."Sam apologised.

"You don't have to apologise. It is not a problem at all." The ginger assured with a warm smile. He was shorter and freckles appeared on his nose bridge as he smiled.

"I am Sam and this is my friend Spence," Sam informed as he pointed towards Spence. He looked uninterested in the conversation.

"I'm Sebastián and he is my friend Alejandro. We are very happy to meet you guys." The Ginger responded.

The lock of the main gates clicked and the door opened, manifesting the glory of the academy in full bloom.

For some reason, Sam felt uneasy about it.