21. Murderous Mayhem Part-2

Bond grabbed Sam's hand and wrapped it around his neck, to make sure he held Sam with a firm grip. He walked out of the SEC and headed towards their room, where Spence was already waiting for them. He was leaning against the door and was facing towards them. The expression on his face showed worry and his pitch black eyes seemed to flutter. The worry transformed into anger as he saw his friend in that condition.

"What happened to him?!" He rushed towards them and took Sam into his arms.

"We were called to the SEC." Bond said as he stretched his tired arms.

"SEC? Why?" Spence walked towards the door and signalled Bond to take out the keys from his pocket.

Bond pulled out the key from his back pocket and inserted it into the keyhole. "It was because your friend is too curious," He said as he opened the door and gave a hand to Spence to make Sam lie down on the bed. Spence took out Sam's shoes and covered him with a blanket. He turned around to face Bond, who was standing behind him.

"Bond, tell me what is happening." He grabbed Bond's arm with a firm grip.

"Listen, I am not answerable to you or anything." Bond puffed out a cloud of smoke.

"Please. I don't want to put my friend in danger." He insisted.

"Fine. Be prepared to listen to this. Haruko said that we all cannot leave this place at any cost."

"What are you saying Bond?" Spence was as confused as ever. "Wait, let's go outside. I do not want to disturb him." He grabbed Bond by his hoodie sleeve and dragged him outside the room. They walked to the corridor window and stood there, as they watched the sun go down the horizon. Bond reached out for the pack of cigarettes and took out one. He lighted it and put it inside his mouth.

"Look, I do not have anything to do with you but I am responsible for Sam. I have given a word to his mother that I will protect him." His eyes showed earnest concern.

"Did I not tell you? Sam invaded Haruko's privacy and he got punished." He said as he puffed out a thick cloud of smoke.

"You mean he entered the SEC and broke into Haruko's room?"

"Yes and because of that, he was punished." Bond rested his arm on the window railing.


"Yeah. He had done something wrong and he deserved it. Every crime has a compensation." He watched the wisp of white smoke trail off into the air.

Bond opened the window wider to allow the smoke to escape. "What exactly was this punishment?" He stared into Bond's sapphire blue eyes in search of an answer. Deep down, he knew he would get one soon.

"Well, it was an extreme lie detector test. He had to answer questions about me and when he answered it wrong, he was electrocuted. It was minor though." He dug his cigarette butt into the window sill and threw it out of the window.

"What the hell dude? Why did you throw it out of the window?" Spence questioned as he hampered about. His brown hair was glittering against the moonlight. He bent over to look at the cigarette fall down in the courtyard of the school building. At that moment, his hand slipped from the window sill and he lost his balance.

As per his calculations, he would have crashed on the ground and his head would have been smashed open but nothing like that happened. Instead, a firm hand was grabbing his lean waist, saving him from falling down. He climbed back onto the window sill.

Spence looked back at his saviour. His cold, stern blue eyes seemed to pierce through his heart. The cold hand that was grabbing his waist seemed to warm up at an alarming rate. Blond hair falling on his face did not seem to mind him at all. At a point, his gaze shifted towards Bond's lips. They were of a light pink shade and seemed as delicate as cherry blossom petals.

'I want to bite them!'

Various kinds of absurd thoughts began to rise inside Spence's mind. The demeanour of the person may have been rude but the fact that he was perfect in looks could not be denied.

Suddenly, the hand gripping the Spence's waist let him go and he tripped on the window sill, thinking he would fall down again but he grabbed Bond's sleeve in the spur of the moment. Bond jerked off his hand and Spence slipped but he grabbed Bond's hand in time. He climbed back again but did not look back at him. He walked towards Sam's room. Bond followed him.

Due to the awkward encounter, there was a pin-drop silence between both of them. Bond took out his headphones and put them over his ears, blocking any possible noise.

They reached the room and Spence signalled Bond to wait outside. Too many people could be overwhelming. However, upon reaching the room, Spence saw something unexpected.

"Bond! Come here right now!" He yelled.