23.Murderous Mayhem Part 4

"Bond! Where were you all this time?" Pin yelled from across the end of the swimming pool as he walked towards them.

"I had something do to." Bond rubbed the back of his neck.

"Was it something important?"

"Yeah, you can say it was." Bond replied.

"Let's head to the swimming pool. The break will get over soon." Pin walked towards a table and picked up a glass of juice. He pulled Bond by his collar towards himself. "Can you give this to Spence?" He whispered with nervousness.

"Why don't you leave him?" He took the glass tumbler in his hand moved his gaze towards Spence, who was heading to the changing rooms. "Hold this for a minute." He kept the tumbler on the table and began walking towards Spence.

Spence entered the boy's changing room. Usually, there is a changing room for boys and girls but there was only one. The room had individual chambers on either side and a narrow alley separating the two sides. There was an exhaust fan on the wall which made a high-pitched sound. The sound accompanied by the lack of light in the room was terrifying.

'Seems like the set of a horror movie.'

Brushing off the constant fear rising in his mind, he headed to the chambers on the right and opened them one by one. Sam was not there in any of them. He turned around to check the chambers on the left. However, he could not find Sam.

"Spence, what are you doing?" Bond questioned as he walked towards the chambers. "Sam is not here." He walked over to a wall and leaned against it.

"Not here?" Spence looked back at him.

"Yes. He is not here. In fact, no one has seen him since yesterday."

"What are you saying?" Spence rushed towards Bond.

"I am just informing you." He took out a cigarette and put it to his mouth. "What I am saying is, your friend is missing." He said as he held the lighter and lit the cigarette.

"Can you stop smoking at least now?" Spence walked towards Bond.

"No. I can't." He drifted towards the corner.

Spence's fear now knew no bounds. It had only been days since they joined the school and Sam was now missing. His forehead skin began to wrinkle as his thought process deepened. There was an evident fear on his face, similar to what can be seen on a cattle's face before being slaughtered. Blood rushed towards his brain at a rapid rate and his head began to throb. Sweat covered his body and the situation was making him lose his state of sanity.

He rushed to one of the shower chambers and locked himself. He walked to the shower and sat under it. The showers sensor detected the person sitting under it and he was greeted by a cold splash of water on his head. He was already terrified pertaining to the situation and had no strength to get up and move aside. He sat under the shower and looked at himself as his clothes got soaked by the water and tears began to form in the corner of his eyes.

Bond now realised that the situation was getting out of control. He walked to the locked chamber and knocked.

"Spence, are you fine?" He questioned as he leaned towards the door.

"Yeah, of course. I am fine. Very fine." His voice choked.

"Do you think that the coolness of the water can help you stop your warm tears? If you think so, let me tell you it won't." Bond tried his best to be compassionate.

"Your words are not helping me." He said in a monotonous tone of voice, choking on his tears.

"See, if you don't come out now, I will come inside." He warned.

"You are free to do so."

After hearing Spence's words, Bond became confident enough to pound the door with his shoulders. He kept his eyes fixated on the locks and watched as the lock cleaved by the minute. At last, the lock broke and the door opened. He fell down right on the floor and got drenched in water. After somehow managing to get up, he stood above Spence's head.

"Now, please get up and come along with me." He glared at Spence, whose eyes were now red and sore.

"I... am... not... coming." His voice still choked.

"Well then, if you don't come, I have no other option." He grabbed Spence's arm and dragged him up. "I will force you!" He dragged him out of the chamber. Bond gave a sharp tug to Spence's sleeve, causing it to tear apart.

"What are you doing here Bond?" Bond heard a familiar voice.

"Nothing Pin. There was a problem, but it is all sorted now." He turned back towards Pin.

"Bond, are you homosexual?" Pin's question left both of them in deep shock.

"What? Even if I am a homo, I would never hook up with your friend." Spence retorted. "That's just disgusting!"

"Yeah, is it that disgusting?" Bond turned towards him and questioned. He let him off his arm, causing him to collapse. "If so, then I should leave you here." He said as he left the room.

There were only two people in the room now: Spence and Pin. The situation was getting awkward by the minute.

'This idiot needs to be taught a lesson.'