41.Wandering Ways Part 2

"This is so pathetic!" Bond slumped down on his bed, while Pin walked Spence to his bed. Bond had dug his head into the pillows and looked like a pampered little puppy who was throwing a tantrum. His blond hair tossed around in air and all this seemed very unusual. Spence chuckled, as he tried to hold his laugh back.

"Stop it Bond!" Pin exclaimed.

Pin headed to the other side and pulled out a comforter from him and placed it on the floor to make a temporary bed. He fished out his soft bag from the pile and placed it under his head to make a pillow. Spence noticed it. "Uh... Do you want a pillow?" He politely questioned.

"I shouldn't be a shameful brat." He rubbed the back of his neck. "But I need it."

Spence tossed a pillow to him and lied down, rethinking the events of that day. All in all, it had been a tiring one. His eyelids gradually began to descend, as his thought process deepened.

However, peace was never in his destiny.

He woke up to the loud creaking of the bed stands and an earthquake on his bed, which shook him. Looking around him, he realized Bond was tossing around restlessly. 'Must be a bad dream.' He thought to himself and went back to his sleep, only to be woken up again.

"Don't do this!" Bond yelled. "Please take me instead." His voice trembled. Spence jolted upright and looked at him. He saw Bond's face covered in sweat and fear. The same face which expressed innocent anger a while ago.

"Please spare us... We will do anything, even if it is licking your shoes clean."


Bond's scream for help grew louder as the night grew.

Spence caressed Bond's hand and looked at his face, which didn't seem to change its expressions. Bond's condition was worsening and he couldn't seem to have control over himself. He grabbed the closest warm thing he could find, Spence's hand. The cold touch of Bond's hands sent a shiver down to his spine. He could feel the pulse rate growing.

"Bond! Please calm down." He pleaded.

"Mom! Dad! Please!" He screamed, as his dry throat rasped.

Spence did not have anything in mind. It was as blank as a sheet of white paper. Pin seemed to be unmoved by the situation. He was sleeping soundly, unaware of what was going on.

'Let me try doing this.'

There was only thing Spence could do to the freezing body. Without thinking, he opened up his shirt buttons and moved closer to Bond, whose body was now cold as ice. He tried to remove his shirt but it was clinging onto him because of sweat. Somehow, he managed to remove it and moved closer to him. He felt the white paper being sprinkled with black ink. In no time, their bodies were touching, with Spence's bare chest against Bond's. The white paper had finally been stained black.

Maybe it was the cold weather and dark night that day, or the rising sympathies in the cold hearts, Spence felt empathetic. That was the first time he ever cared for Bond but it seemed to be promising. He took the drooping head and pulled it in a warm embrace, by wrapping his arms around. It wasn't something an enemy would do.

"It's okay. Calm down." He whispered the comforting words into Bond's ear, which was gradually warming up.

Pin finally woke up a while later and noticed both them in that compromising state. His mouth was at a loss of words. To him, the situation was like his friends had been doing inappropriate things right above his head. He was shook.

"I didn't give you my bed so that you could do these things!" He yelled and charged towards Bond, as he kicked him. He sat upright.

"What happened to you Pin?" He mumbled in a sleepy state.

"I just found out a couple had been making out above me."


"Check for yourself, you are naked, dude." Pin pointed towards Bond's tanned chest. Bond looked beside him, only to see Spence sleeping, as his fair chest brightened the room.

"I don't know what this is." Bond had now become placid.

"What is going on here?" Spence muttered.

His eyes had become puffy and sore. There were dark circles under them. His body looked tired and the muscles seemed to have become loose. The expression on his face showed how much he struggled to sleep hinted at to what might have happened.

"I know what you are thinking Pin, but it is not that. Besides, you seem to have a very stable sound proofing system within your sleep. Your friend literally screamed and you had no idea."

"Did Bond scream last night?" Pin was now calming down.


He intently looked at Bond, who seemed clueless.

"I think I should have told you that. Bond has a habit of talking in his sleep."