67. Mapless Mazes Part 3

"What is all this?" Spence turned around his head to see Haruko, with his face becoming as pale as snow.

"It's nothing, my darling." Haruko nodded his head sideways.

"Don't you dare call him 'darling' with your filthy tongue." Bond stepped forward.

"It's no use talking to you all." Haruko rolled his eyes. "Go to the chamber and get changed."

All of them reluctantly agreed and moved to the changing rooms as they had no other choice. The chamber was filled with racks of body suits, all in different colors this time. Bond picked a turquoise one, Spence chose a cantaloupe colored one, Pin chose lime green, Binh chose wine color one and Feng Mian chose chocolate brown.

"Isn't this tighter than usual?" Binh pulled the suit away from his skin as he felt uneasy.

"Yeah, even I am thinking that." Pin struggled as he tried to scratch his back.

At that time, there was a static in the speakers and after a short while, someone spoke up.

"You all should now head to the testing grounds."

It was Haruko yet again. Spence could see Bond's anger rising up.

The group entered the testing chambers and were made to face a strong, bright light at their faces, blinding them for a while. Pin was the first one to notice the structure of the place. The look on his face certainly didn't seem positive.

"Guys, look here!" He exclaimed as he pointed at the room.

Everyone looked up and saw something one would not see even in their worst nightmares. There were transparent cells, separated by thin glass walls. There was a small bed in the center of the room and a screen that looked like a normal television. However, normal was not a normal word in Bright Leaders Academy.

Right at that moment, Haruko spoke up.

"Please head to the rooms in pairs. Since there are odd number of people, we have provided a partner to the remaining person."

'Please it shouldn't be me.' Pin muttered to himself.

"Pin, you will move to the last room in the corner. Your partner will arrive shortly."

The students sighed heavily and headed to the rooms, which wasn't really comfortable. The absence of windows was an absolute disaster for a claustrophobic person and the room was condensed in itself.

"Bond, it's too suffocating in here." Spence said as he looked at Bond.

"So? What should I do?" Bond chuckled.

"What do you even mean by this huh?" Spence glared at him. "Just finish the task and get lost. I have no reason to deal with you."

"Hmm... Alright. It's a deal."

Haruko once again spoke up, but this time, his face was broadcast on the television screen.

"This time the task is different. We will test your endurance to lust. Whether or not you give into lust, how you hold it back in would be the main agenda of this task. The screen will show certain clips that will contain things that are inappropriate. Your task is to hold it in until the time runs out. If you give into your desires before the time limit, you lose your life. If you win, you will be given a surprise."

"Ah, there we go again." Spence was unmoved. "Let's sit down."

Bond immediately obliged.

The screen flashed on again and it began shuffling through millions of video clips, choosing the right one. The video opened with two naked men sitting across each other and asking questions.

"Do you want me or need me?" The taller one asked.

"I need you, master." The shorter one replied.

"Hey, isn't this wrong?" Spence turned to Bond and asked. However, Bond seemed to be delving into his desires. His face had become red.

The video proceeded with the shorter one sitting on the lap of the taller one and arching his back inwards. The taller one's sturdy hand were upon the shorter ones buttocks and he was rubbing them in a circular motion.

Suddenly, Spence heard a moan from Bond.

"Are you gay?" He asked Bond in wonder.

"Yes, and Haruko knows it." His voice had become raspy.

"I guess it does affect you." Spence placed a finger under his chin.

The screen suddenly flashed with the message :

*Level 1 cleared, two more remaining.*

"I... Don't... Think I can do this for long." Bond whispered.

"Wait, wait. Please spare me okay?" Spence playfully remarked.

The second video switched on and it was seemingly worse than the first one. Besides the horrible camera quality, the people participating in it weren't that aware either. There was a dark man and a fair man this time.

"Hey, you noticed that they are categorizing people?" Spence asked a question but it was ignored.

The video continued as the two men walked towards a dark alley and stood against the end wall. The fair man pushed the dark man on his stomach and proceeded to unbutton his pants and pull them down. The camera panned down to the dark guy's posterior hole as as the fair guy proceeded to thrust his member into it vigorously.

Spence turned aroma to check Bond. He noticed Bond's hand on his private parts.

"I'll... Do it..." He whispered in a very low voice.

Right then, the screen flashed and the message appeared:

*Level 2 cleared, one more remaining.*

This time, the video appeared almost instantly and it was of the worst kind. The constant moans of a horny person was made as the background music. Contrary to the expectation, Spence was frozen solid due to fear upon seeing the video.

This was the first time that Spence had reacted in a long while.

"Switch it off right now!" He yelled and rushed to cover the screen.

Bond got up and pushed him away, revealing the contents of the video clearly. It was a kid and adults this time. The adults dragged the kid to their beds and threw him mercilessly. One of them pounced on the kid and started kissing the life out of him, making his lips swollen. The other man stretched open the kid's delicate legs and kept on thrusting his thirsty member inside him till he was satisfied.

Spence could feel the reflux building inside his stomach and he rushed to a corner to empty out his nauseous stomach.

"Spence, are you all right?" Bond rushed to him and patted his back.