
"Can I go back home with you?" Jayson asks.

"No! Stay here, don't worry too much and you have an important game tomorrow" Shery said.

"Bu... but Dad is..." Jayson can't himself to stutter and gets emotional.

Shery quickly hugs her brother and said: "He'll be fine, he has the best doctors in the country and Dad is strong so focus for tomorrow's game"

While hugging, she also pats the back of Jayson like every time he gets sad, angry or upset. Seeing him calms down, she release him in her embrace and Jayson wipes the tears in his eyes.

"I'll be going back home right now so take a rest and everything will be okay" Shery said as she grab he luggage bag.

They stood outside while waiting for the taxi to arrive.

"Okay, but call me as soon as got an update on father's status" Jayson said.

"Of course, that's my purpose and you have to win so that I can brag it to everyone back home" Shery said.

The taxi finally arrives; he opens the door and closes it after Shery got in.

"We'll win the championship so tell it to Dad in advance that I dedicate it to him" Jayson said.

"I'm sure he'll be happy to hear that, go in and take a rest" Shery said.

Jayson waves his hand goodbye as the taxi drive to the airport and he went to his after dinner.

Shery didn't take long to get to the airport and her airplane to depart to Manila. After a flight of almost twenty-four hours, she arrives four p.m. in Manila International Airport and pick-up by the family long time family driver David.

"How's family recently Uncle David?" Shery asks while sending text to Jayson.

"Everything has been chaotic after the boss was rushed to the hospital and I hope you can help in managing the situation, Mam" Uncle David said.

It seems she has stay a little longer her father is healthy to go back to work.

"This will be a tough one until the old man is healthy to take the lead or choose a new, competent and loyal CEO for the company" Shery said

Uncle David nodded as he agrees to Shery's statement and said: "Thankfully the boss is safe from harm's way and just need to rest then stay in the hospital for a few days and additional check-ups to fully ensure"

After an hour of travel to Makati Medical Center, Shery arrive in the front desk while Jayson and the Beavers have arrived in the venue.