No Fire


Firmly said Mogranius in a rough tone as if he was a Guard Commander.

Still trying to form a Fire Shield, Eric managed to get some progress done over the past few weeks. He didn't manage to cast a full Fire Shield yet but he managed to break out the base of the whole spell, he just wasn't able to reach the end of it.

Mogranius, his mentor suspects that this is due to his rather more "i need to attack" mindset instead of having a "I need to protect" one.

With so much attacking spells working by his side instead of defending spells, his mindset isn't a surprise and it is very common among Fire Controllers and less common, but with similarities not straying to far away, to those with Freezing Powers. They too have this sort of "i need to attack" mindset as well.

Fire Controlling barely has any defending spells as far as Witches and Wizards discovered. No it is mostly about attacking.

So that makes the whole process a whole lot more difficult.