Training Schedule(2)

6 laps of course wouldn't take 4 hours to complete. It took only a bit above an hour. Afterwards the troops were given an opportunity to catch their breath and continued with an hour long stab training.

Iron Swords being the cheapest weapons, everyone in the Kingdom only had Iron Swords instead of having War Hammers, Maces, Battle Axes, etc etc. But that was just working to their advantage, because although Woldemir observed people with other weapons from close combat, he doesn't have experience in any weapon other than Swords.

The stab training included only a simple move, repeated over and over for an hour.

All of the Guards would need to take one right step forward at first, and using both their hands they would push their swords upfront, having their arms fully stretched and with their left foot they would grant more support to the movement by pushing the foot backwards to secure stability.