
After a couple of Compliments from Guard Commander Delrus Aze, one of the revolutionary leaders felt more and more comfortable towards Pameres Kingdom's approach. They seem to promise a lot, complimenting their own work with a lot of good will. He felt the urge to say, "I feel sure that after signing this parchment, Bale Town will finally prosper like never before."

With a wide smile on his face, Guard Commander Dalerus Aze replied with. "I'm glad you feel comfortable with our work." Afterwards gesturing as if he was writing, he stated. "We will make a request to King Zar to bring down people of other crafts here, experienced ones who can leave a mark by teaching others. Regarding that, I need to ask a few questions first so we can narrow the requests down instead of over or under requesting!"

"Of course!"

"Please, go ahead!"