Gaster Kingdom's Budget.

This small little chart gives a brief simple but yet detailed explanation of where and how the Gold goes in Gaster Kingdom. A.k.a the place of which the MC calls home. I aim to put financial realism in this book series instead of making it seem like each Kingdom has an unlimited amount of Gold to randomly spend towards military build ups. Gaster Kingdom being the MC's favoured Kingdom at the moment, makes this Kingdom number one on this budget detailing list. Soon, I will write about Pameres Kingdom's budget too. And if it fits this book of the series, I will write about Bale Town's budget too when it rises.

Current Budget(January/201/Era 3): 200,000 Gold Coins.

Income: 9,628 Gold Coins.

10% deal - 2,128

Striped Marlin deal - 7,500

Outcome: 10,487 Gold Coins.

Striped Marlin Gang(4) - 2,000(S - 500)

Spearfishermen(x18) - 1,530(S - 65)

Fishermen(x23) - 1,495(S -85)

Woldemir - 400

10% Alama = 962

Farmers(x30) - 4,500(S - 150)

Totalling: 9,628 - 10,487 = -839