
Guard Commander Chan still remained puzzled about the scene he encountered before, the one with his father, of which fate forced him into. It wasn't pleasant, it hurt his heart, it hurt his spirit even though he had actually had the strength to put that situation behind him. Because now, that wasn't his main goal, not his main motive. This task has to be completed and he didn't want to let past traumas stop him. 

Of course he could think about it all day if he wanted too, but it wouldn't fix anything in particular. It would just result in wasted time, possible brain damage(Ironic for him i know!) and further frozen toes(Which could lead to amputation if the situation got to intense).

Counting the negative sides was easy for him, now due to it he is able to focus on his main motive.(Which now due to the special Word of which that Ghost Leader provided him with, made this task a whole lot safer). All he wants to do is get that Ghost Branch and rush the hell out of here.