More Torches!

Although running out of Torches became a minor problem at first, Gustav was there to save the day. Just in time too, when he returned he found out that most of the Guards almost burned out all of their Torches. Luckily, Guard Commander Delrus Aze seemed to have been listening carefully to Gustav's recommendations for this Coal mine project.

By that I'd like to clarify, Delrus ordered the Guards to make their way towards the Rope once their Torches were close to depleting, close to burning out. When Delrus himself could see(In a couple of cases.) that the Torches are dimming in the dark surrounding them, he urged the Guards to return. Yelling out one Command after the other, it was a hassle because he didn't know all of their names, so he had to yell out their positions and their height(Example: Short one, Tall one, etc etc.) Instead. It accidentally brought other Guards who didn't really need to approach the Rope and wasted a portion of their time.