Quite a show.

After the Ballista and Catapult delivery arrived here in Pameres Kingdom, the next morning time arrived for training! Such Weaponry is of advanced level, even King Zar didn't want to take the risk of working mindlessly on such a task. The Ballista for example, is a late discovery about a decade ago actually. Brought from the Zamerians themselves in Ignis about 3 years ago. The illustratian Alliance possesses tens of them, but they are used on wealthier Kingdoms, such as at the motherland!

Thanks to the Ballista being constructed in such a large size, inventors managed to minimize this Construction in Zameria 5 years after, and so was the Crossbow discovered and brought upon Ignis a year ago. When it comes to weaponry, the Zamerians carry many battle oriented individuals who spend countless hours a day thinking, testing and trying to discover. Their worth there, is close to Kings!