Valtera Katelyn the Seventh

In aims of describing some rather important specifics, we will be rolling back in time here to fish out a little parchment resembling a map to specify how many tons of Coal have been mined out of the third section.

As you might have figured it out from the previous paragraph here, yes the third section has been successfully established and mined. Going back on August 28th... best described when the Head Miner Bill estimated that the second section would he clear out of coal to mine.

With a team of five miners, Bale Town managed to tap in to more Black Riches a.k.a coal. However we can say that it did prove troublesome at first and in a way it still is!

That large hole, almost located at the centre of the Second Section went 50 meters down! That deep even after the Second Section's flooring was dug down for 20 meters. So it is well determined that before the annual mining this drop was 70 meters deep!