Inbetween a Warm Hug

It became established that Eric hasn't been knocked out cold due to the fact that his Stamina might have depleted, but it was all because his body was overworked! He carried a 250 Kilogram man for goodness sake, that isn't so easy to accomplish.

But the fact that he got knocked out isn't really a problem, he can sleep it off come to think of it and his entire body is where it is supposed to be, it is all in place. And most importantly, the oldest living Calidum Lutum here gets to live to see another day.

How awful this situation might have turned towards if Eric didn't insist to fly above their heads, Kazer would have been responsible for Xalk's death and would have been responsible for not letting Eric tag along. So much fault would be tossed upon him and this bad decision would never have been forgotten, yet Kazer never intended to do anything bad. Even super geniuses can mess up sometimes, but thankfully he didn't.