Strange Sounds

Alcon Epke, a beautiful name isn't it. Some consider him a genius and a lot consider him Crazy, and he is a little bit. But mostly he is bursting with ideas, has an unmatchable work ethic and furthermore is topped off with a strong dedication to help his tribe progress.

The Tribe's most recent Dilemma, is down at the mines of the third section. For months now, they were unable to break through these weird rocks. These rocks can be barely scared by Pickaxes, the most one can do is break a small chip.

Well, Alcon Epke has thought of a beautiful plan regarding how to break these rocks that block the passage in all three of the mines in the third section.

First things first, it was absolutely necessary to propose this idea to the Grand Leader Bittore Nardone first. Since this idea, will include the Blacksmiths and the Miners. In other words, it has nothing to do with the craft he favors and is tremendously good at, Stonemasonry.