Explosive Bolts


An explosion echoed throughout Gaster Kingdom, and the location of its source is near the main gate.

After covering his eyes, King Michael could see bodies drop to the ground. Hilariously, these bodies were mostly belonging to the opposing army. Whatever they are doing, they are doing it clumsily.

King Michael has already made his way inside the Kingdom along with the rest of the Fire Controllers, and thankfully is just about 20 meters near the Gate so the explosion didn't touch them.

Regardless of their distance near it, the Gate has been blown to bits and a large plank almost hit the King's head! Risky, but it's a bit riskier that any [enemy] Soldier can barge in now and spread around the Kingdom!

At the moment, there are 10-20 Soldiers running in. This is only a small portion, nothing the four Fire Blasters couldn't handle, so they started taking the enemies victim with the enslaving raging Fireballs.