Please help my Daughter!

"Hehe your muscles are getting bigger, just in case you didn't notice." Kaleem complimented, but doesn't this mean that in one way he has been purposely looking at Lia's arm muscles daily?

Smiling, and flexing her right arm with a curl, she asked. "You think so?"

Trying not to sound too weird, although they are dating each other, trying to keep his tone normal as well, he found a little excuse. "Definitely, all the work we are doing paid off."

A huge fan, although extremely capable of hiding it, she pointed out with a bit more enthusiasm. "You have completely buffed in size, double actually. I remember how you were like a twig when we met."

A bit shy, thinking his past is a little embarrassing, he thought it best to use his powers as a little gate way to escape the bad sides of his past. "A twig, who punched a tower down and Kidnapped a King."