
That Demon who just died in front of them, forced them into a puzzled mind. Especially since it can speak the Ignite language, yet makes it a hunch more complex to comprehend when you think that this talking Demon has been found in such a position at this Dungeon.

Why does it make this more confusing? Well it's because this Dungeon solely carried Calidum Lutum literature, although it's a blur to both what those books represent.

So if we think it through, a talking Demon who can speak the Ignite language, was found giving its last breath in a Dungeon that points out that the Calidum Lutum were here before.

This is the most puzzling situation Kazer ever had the displeasure of facing, would have been better off just to seal the Castle with Volcanic rock and cross their fingers for the best.

However, Dilli and Kazer won't really progress if they continue to stare at the dead Demon. So as they took that sharp left turn once overcoming that wave of Demons, they found a Hole!