Where to shoot first?

As Eric pierced the sky with his blessed hot fire burning underneath his feet, his attention soared towards the Demons sneaking away from the bundle and heading for the Forest!

There is little he can do to shoot them, as the bundle of over 40 Demons are hollering underneath his feet. Some trying to jump and catch the flying boy, although he is over 20 meters above their head.

With the opportunity of facing a bundle given, he joined his palms together, making them face forward shaped like a butterfly.

Three Fireballs at once descended from his palms, heading towards the Demons and stretching 3 feet wide each!

He could hear the howls of pain, brought upon these wild beasts by the young boy's attack. But which Demon he hit and what damage he caused is uncertain to the Electus, hard to see from up here.

If detail is your prime interest, he blew a couple of heads off and sliced away limbs as well.