Fresh minds, fresh ideas.

7 pm, the sun has sunk over the Horizon. The cold weather advances after this time passes, often dismotivating the Guards but nothing too serious. And with a new journey made certain, extra protection has to be set a base upon before Eric departs.

This Domain's options are limited and they are gambling against an entire Realm, this is where creativity has to emerge in order to fight the already set odds of impossibility. 

At this rate, King Michael doesn't even want to do much in terms of landing heavier attacks, he just wants to defend his Kingdom.

The people here are sick of losing family members over petty battles, soon enough even Gold won't be able to tame the masses.

With these facts considered, King Michael has gathered up minds, young and old. Planning to ask them about defense plans, every idea helps although it will likely need modifications.

Chances are, some might not pitch ideas at all but it's nice to have more minds around as the number of ideas will grow bigger.