The tribe

Meeting Jaluuti has through and through been a strong pain in the ass, she has caused a lot of trouble to strangers and Eric's group for sure has gotten sick of it.

But at least she finally decided to cooperate, Eric proved himself as a worthy King of the Calidum Lutum and considering the title that Jaluuti placed on herself [Protector of the Calidum Lutum], she has no choice but to obey him.

So after the debate died down, they make their way deeper in the forest that captivates more than half of the continent.

The goal as mentioned before, is to reach almost the very middle of this continent, where the 4 countries of Ignis split, somewhere there are the boots of Kashentis.

They've travelled for about a week now and are getting step by step closer to reaching the Calidum Lutum tribe that before they didn't know existed.