
"Uhhh... how's this possible? Why is my crown bigger?" Eric questioned after enjoying the comfort of Ada's hug.

A theory rose in his mind but it would be a dumb idea to live with uncertainty here where questions can be answered. "I don't understand."

Huna took a step forward and deciphered as her arm gently grabbed Eric's left shoulder for attention. "You had to be crowned as well, so we decided to kill 2 birds with one stone."

The long haired Rashlam followed up with a firmer point. "Yes, lava spirit sacrifices aren't done this way but we improvised."

And what got the visitors up on their feet was grand master Justak with an insane piece of information. "And well, you will live a lot longer now because an immortal spirit gave her life essence to you."

Absolutely shocked, Eric pulled his head back and asked. "What?! You made me immortal?!"