"You bastard! Thats was authentic Corasian silk you ruined" exclaimed Thalgar at the goblin facing him.It wasnt unsual for caravans to be attacked from time to time as they passed the wild lands but this one was clearly well thought for a goblinoid ambush.Thalgar took the pose of the "thousand thrusts" a technique used from rapier users in order to have a speed advantage over crude enemies.After a few thrusts, the goblin was lying on its back; greenish blood running from the rapier's bite.
Looking at his slashed cloak,he spat at the dying goblin,nearly missing the huge axe going for his head.Luckily for him, his elven blood running though his veins gave him more agility than a human or a half-elf and he managed to avoid.The huge orc was leering at him; eyes red like burning coals and a mouth frothing from his saliva.
"Great!" he thought, "a damn berseker". What could a simple rogue do against a beast of nature? Suddenly, Thalgar yelled "Thumior!", "Thumior where the hell are you brother! I need your help! I m in trouble!", as he started bobbing and weaving his body In order to make himself a more difficult target to Hit.
Unfortunately for him,Thumior, his fighter twin brother was locked in batlle against an ogre and two fellow caravan guards fighting for dear life. Thumior was a two weapon wielding fighter, usual enough to be seen l. But what was unsual was that unlike his brother agility, he was as strong as a bull wielding two bastard swords, one In each arm.
The hulking orc attacked slashing violently against Thalgar, nearly hitting him sometimes grazing him instead.He made him bleed but he never stopped moving and weaving.He remembered the words of his swordmaster since he and his brother had a few lessons from the family that adopted them nearly forty years ago.
"You may not have the strength behind your hits like Thumior but you can make it up in numbers.One sting of the wasp doesnt provoke any significant amount of damage. But If a wasp swarm hits you, it will propably make you run for your life sweet life.So, hit fast, hit a lot like a wasp and you ll propably win most of the fights.And oh wasp!, do try to avoid parrying hits with your rapier cause you ll loose your weapon.Armless you re not a wasp but a helpless butterfly!."
Thalgar was getting tired and knew That If the fight was gonna take a little more, he wouldn't gonna make it.The orc saw the elf was getting tired and howled with his oncoming victory.Suddenly, its face changed to that of suprise as he fell on his face,a throwing axe stuck on its back.
A red bearded dwarf grinned at the elf and said "my name is Drogar Firebeard and you owe me a beer!"."Gladly" responded Thalgar, catching his breath after all this fighting.As he was breathing heavily, he saw his brother Thumior using his signature move on the ogre, slashing wildly at the ogre, each hit opening a huge gash on the body of the ogre making it lower its guard, as was Thumior's intention so that he crossed his swords as a giant scissor going for the ogre's head cutting it off its shoulder.
After the death of the ogre, the rest of the fight turned into a bloodbath in favor of the caravan.Bodies both of guards and goblinoids were spread dying. Fortunately more were the bodies of the goblinoids.Cheers started from the survivors and In their heads, they were allready thinking of the bonus gold from the fight they just had.
Drogar was leaning on one of his axes, counting the bodies of the dead goblins and orcs, thinking of something.Thalgar got close to him, spread his hand and said "I do owe you a beer after all this work.Our destination is in about a Day travel and I ll be more than happy to buy you a few".Drogar grinned widely and said "You better have some meat with the beers Mr pointy wars and I might have a proposition for you and your twin brother".