14 Yuki's Unique Powers

Cedric could sense her need and held her head gently as she drank deeply. 'She was quite sexy with her hair silver. I want to know more about her special powers. I'm going to figure them all out eventually...just as she will learn all about me.' He felt her seal the wound. "Feel better?"

"Mmmmmm." She snuggled her body into his. "Master sorry I couldn't follow your order earlier. To make up for it the book you're translating I'll help you with it. Sorry, that came up first when I read your blood memories." She relaxed against him. 'Should I go over my powers with him? It's rare to question myself. I get the feeling I should've told him more about my powers but where's the fun in that?'

"No, I would rather know more about yourself then the book I'm translating. It's only a pet project where you are to be mine for the rest of my life. If I am to live with you I should learn more about your powers and be able to help you when it is needed." He wasn't going to let this go. He really wanted and needed to know more. "Or is there a reason that you can't tell me?"

Yuki sighed. "If you insist I'll tell you." She looks at the wall. " I have the power to hear and see memories when drinking blood. I can also trace blood sources like what I did to find your demon heart. That is a skill unique to me. You can not control what I see or trace but I can choose whether to read or not read. Tracing takes a lot of concentration but also requires me to be drinking the blood while I trace. I have the power to make my body turn to mist. That is a common ability of vampires. The way to counter that is the shackles with a cross etched into the cuff. My real form is how you saw me earlier. My real hair color is silver and the dual colored eyes are part of my natural state. I'm struggling to change my eyes back and I might not be able to do so anymore. I can alter the thought process of any individual but my blood bonded partner. My blood holds a lot of powers. Usually used for healing and binding. You have just experienced the binding powers. If you run rampant again I will stop you the same way again. Also, erasing memories is an easy thing to do. I have a few more unique skills that'll be easier to show you at a later date rather than struggling to explain them with words." She stopped talking and waited to see if this was enough information now.

He looked down at her in his arms. 'She's not lying. Her powers are truly amazing. I'm so lucky that I found her.' He sat up on the bed. "Okay, I will wait for you to show me more of your powers at a later date. I love your natural look. It's very arousing." He got off the bed and got dressed. "I need to go and eat my dinner. You have to stay here since you aren't stable yet and we don't know when you'll snap next. I've recovered my sanity now."

She sat up on the bed looking majestic. "Enjoy your meal. I'll be here when you decide to come back." It wasn't like she could leave the room anyways. The chain was keeping her bound near the bed. She looked at the bookshelf next to the bed and scanned the shelves for something to occupy her time. She pulled a blue leather bound book off the shelf and placed it on the bed.

Cedric watched her grab the book. His eye twitched. 'That book is about vampires and I couldn't translate any of the book contents. The only thing I managed to translate was the title.' He left the room and didn't bother looking back after the door closed. He went to the kitchen and told Abigail he was ready for dinner and to bring it to the dining room. He walked to the table and started munching on a bun. 'I burned a lot of energy when I lost control. I am more famished than usual.' He was served his food in five minutes after asking for dinner. "You are free for the evening. I'll ask for you to cook breakfast in the morning." He says while eating and not looking at Abigail. He hears her leave the room. He devours the food and then goes back to the study. He stares at the book that he was working on. 'That sentence will bother me. Maybe I can get it out of her later.'