16 Behind the Bookcase

Cedric felt her bite him. 'I actually enjoy the feeling of her drinking my blood. It helps me calm down. She didn't drink as much as I thought she would. We should make a stop in the kitchen and grab a few chocolates just to be on the safe side.' He watched her as she got dressed. "I would rather you attack me than someone else. Nice choice of clothing. It'll be easy for some fun later." He grabbed her waist and pulled her body to his. Then ran his hands down her legs and unlocked the cuff with a touch. "I need to go to the kitchen first. Then we'll go to where I originally found the book." He turned and walked to the door.

Yuki shivered in delight from his touch. Her body heated up from just the light touch. When the cuff was undone she looked a bit shocked but followed him to the door. 'He must want to grab the thing he was eating last time. It's a wise choice, especially if I lose control.' She touches the door before Cedric had a chance to undo to spells. The door swung open and the spells disappeared. "You didn't really think those spells would've stopped me, did you?" She smirked and did a little twirl out of the room heading towards the kitchen. 'The layout of this place seems familiar.' She stopped at the door of the kitchen doorway.

He was desiring her body but he refrained for now. He watched her easily take down his spells with a chant. 'Well, at least it keeps all other people out of the room. I can't believe those spells didn't work on her.' He shook his head a little then followed her to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and pulled out a container. He grabbed a bag and dropped ten of the chocolates in the bag. He sealed the bag then slips the bag into his pocket.

"Those chocolates contain a pure demon's blood. I didn't notice before because I lost control. They can be dangerous if you don't take the proper precautions." Yuki simply states that fact. She wasn't interested in them as the demon's blood in the chocolates wasn't the same as Cedric's blood. 'It is wolf's blood for sure but not the same purity. He has to know that the side effects will be unbearable.' She thinks back to when he lost his control. 'Ahhhhh, now I understand what happened.'

"That's what you're here for isn't it, my little slave?" He said as he walked by. "Follow me." He walked away and headed towards the old archives room. He opened the door and flicked on the lights. He walked over to the bookcase and looked at Yuki following behind him. He touched the side of the bookcase hitting the hidden button and the bookcase moved opening up a pathway behind it. He went in first and as they descended down the stairs he lit all the lanterns.

Yuki glared at Cedric as he walked by knowing full well what would happen to her if he had to eat the chocolates. They made it to the archive room she looked around in wonder. 'I guess after living so long you would acquire a lot of books.' She didn't stray too far from him. She watched the passage open and she didn't react. She kept a straight face and followed him down the stairs. 'His light trick is interesting.' They reached the bottom of the stairs and the smell from behind the door was strong. Yuki leaned on the wall trying to keep control of herself. "Open the door." She rasped.