33 First Memory Unlocked

Cedric let her kiss him and he relinquished the vial to her feeling satisfied with her kiss. He moves off of her so that she could drink the blood safely. "Our memories are precious to me and I bet they mean a lot to you as well."

Yuki sat up and opened the vial. "If it was not for the fact that I love the way your blood tastes I wouldn't be able to drink anymore but I want to remember our memories together quickly." She brought the vial to her lips and gulped down the blood. The first memory started to come to her.

~~First Memory~~

"Good evening Luna, Ryan and Yuki." Cedric bows and smiles at the three who were waiting for him at the door.

"Sorry to call you over so late in the evening but we thought of something that would benefit everyone. After the last gathering, we noticed that you had your blood drank by our darling girl." Ryan had a sharp look in his eyes. "You know how dangerous it is when a vampire is hungry. Why would you take that risk?"

Cedric smiled and replied, "you asked me to get her to come to the party you never said that there was a limit on how I could get her to go. A little blood loss from myself is nothing I can't handle. I went home and ate those …."

"You did not!? Cedric, you can't take risks like that. What will happen to you if you consume too many of those? It is not a wise choice for you to be doing that." Luna grabbed on to Ryan's arm.

"Don't worry about it. I made my choice. As the heir to my clan, I have to do what is right and you already know how I am. So you don't need to worry. Yuki, you look rather beautiful tonight. Are you going out somewhere special?" Cedric closed the subject and feasted his eyes in the wondrous sight of Yuki in a maroon rouge dress that was knee length with frills and was adored with some bows. Her hair was done up elegantly with little curls and was held up by a bow that matched her dress in color. She had stockings that matched the dress and was wearing high heels that made her a little taller.

"Sorry, that I caused you issues because I drank your blood." Yuki looked down at the ground. "I wasn't told what was going on. I was just told that I had to get dressed in this outfit. Mother did my hair. Does it look strange?"

"Ah, yes. Now that you are both here and both ready come to the kitchen. I have a proposition for you, Cedric. Come to the dining room everyone and we will discuss why it is that we have requested you to come here." Ryan says this and grabs a hold of Luna and walks away to the dining room.

"You do not need to worry about drinking my blood. Your parents are just concerned because of my background. You do not look strange at all. As a matter of fact, you look rather stunning." Cedric smiles and conceals the lust he feels for her.

Yuki shyly smiles and looks at Cedric. "If you say so then I will not let it bother me but I wonder why is it that my parents all of a sudden decided that you had to come back to our place when we just saw each other a week ago?"

Cedric holds out his hand for her to take. "Come and let's go find out the details for ourselves." He felt her place her hand in his and he smiles. 'If I didn't know who she was, I would not let her get by with just being so gentle but because of who she is I will need to be careful to not overstep the boundaries. There are somethings that I would not try with the royalty princess.' Cedric leads her to the dining room.

Luna watched the two of them closely then whispered top Ryan, "I do not think that we will need to worry. I know that even though he is not pure anymore. He wouldn't be stupid to try something against our daughter's will."

Ryan whispered back, "that is not my concern but rather the fact that he had consumed those things. It is tragic that he will have to go down that path but at the same time that is how it was always supposed to go for him." Ryan looked at the two as they walked through the door. "Now that we are here come sit in front of us and we shall talk about why we called you here."

Cedric walked to the opposite side of the table and pulled out a chair for Yuki to sit on and after she was seated he sat down next to her. "It is unusual for you to be so formal, Ryan." He looks at him and starts to suspect what he will say next.

Yuki sat down next to Cedric and then smiled at her parents. "Is there something to celebrate that I need to know about? It's not normal for us to have everything done up here."

"Dear, I can't wait anymore!!!" Luna bursts out.

Ryan pats his wife's thigh and smiles, "Cedric, you are aware of the long tradition of the royals are you not? You should be able to piece together why we have called you here today."

"Father what kind of an explanation is that?!" Yuki looks at her father in dismay.

"In other words you want me to marry into your family? You want me to take your precious daughter as my bride? Is that really what you want?" Cedric stares at the two of them sitting in front of him. 'I thought it was kind of strange that they would call me back here so soon but I never thought that with my background that they would want me to be the one to take their pure daughter. I have too much that has happened to me and I am no longer able to be pure.'

"You catch on quick, Cedric. That is indeed our wish. Please do us the honor of marrying our daughter." Ryan looks over at his wife happily.

"WHAT!? Father, I barely know Cedric and you want me to marry him?!" Yuki had a look of shock on her face.

"That is a request that I do not feel that I am qualified to fill Ryan. You should know what I mean when I say that. Yuki you are indeed a stunning individual and I will always be around when you need me. I will give you the time you need to think over what your parents are plotting and if you decide that it is I that you want then I will comply with your decision but only if you are the one that makes up your mind." Cedric stared at Ryan as he said this.

"Then it is settled and we will let our daughter choose if she truly would like you as a partner." Luna clapped her hands.

Ryan shakes his head and looks at Cedric, "it matters not what has happened in the past but what will happen in the future."

~~End of Memory~~