42 I Accept This Mission

"As you request I will go to get something to eat and I will safeguard this place while you are gone." Claude left the room and then walked to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took out the cooked chicken. He ate all the meat on the chicken and then made a big bowl of salad and went back to the bedroom. He munched on the salad standing at the door.

Cedric looked at the bed and smiled. "We were able to keep you safe for the time being and now I wonder did we do the right thing? I know that you don't remember what happened and I didn't but now that the memories are coming back to me I don't know if it was the right thing to do." Sighing he took another drag of the cigar.

"Of course this is the right thing to do. I do not want you to be left in the dark about all the things that have happened and you even lost the memories of all the evil deeds that were being completed behind your back. Besides your aunt was grateful that you didn't remember them as you had said in your past…" Claude was interrupted.

"I said that when I found out who was behind this I kill them all in a heartbeat. I have remembered all that now. It's a little hazy on who is the one behind the scenes but it is not that hard to guess that my aunt is the mastermind. As Yuki gains her memories mine are slowly returning as well but at a more rapid pace. I have now remembered making that threat and that I must be getting close to when my memories were lost. I get the feeling that I am going to suffer a lot over the remaining memories. I am not sure how that is but that is how I feel. Also, the demon inside of me revealed some interesting information. I wonder if it is possible to work together and come up with a solution. I may have to ask Yuki for her cooperation." Cedric blow some smoke in Claude's direction.

Clade polished off the big bowl of salad, "I don't see why you don't just kill your aunt? Wouldn't that solve so many issues?"

"I don't want that company under my direct command...yet. Claudia is a valuable pawn that I intend to use to my full advantage and I already know that she is faking some of the numbers. So I will use that against her within due time." Cedric smirks, "besides what is it to you? It's not like you to be so invested in my personal life."

"It is better to know your plans then not to know. I like to know what your plans are so that I can better assist you when my services are needed but also I am your best friend and as your friend, I care about you as a brother." Claude stood next to Cedric and took the cigar that passed to him and started smoking it.

Cedric got up and got dressed, "I guess we shall start this game of chess once more. I am the better player so for now, I will let the pawns at the company move of their free will." He got changed into a suit and wore a solid mauve tie. "I will rein them in when it is time to do so."

"Alright, I will be by your side and here when you are ready to make use of this chess piece." Claude sat down in Cedric's spot and then pulled out a puzzle book from his back pocket.

"Yes, you are a valuable piece. I will be back later I do not know what else she might have up her sleeve so I do not know when I will return." Cedric left the house and went and sat down in the limousine. "We are going back to the company. My aunt failed to inform me that I had to sign some papers yesterday." The car moves out silently and Cedric poured out some bourbon out in a cup and sips on it during the drive over.

Claudia looked at her phone when she heard the dial tone. 'He is going to be here at noon that should be enough time to check on the assassins. I wonder if any of them survived?' She made a call and then there was a knock on the office. One lone girl walked into the room.

"Good morning. My name is Sephira. I am here to report what transpired yesterday. As a sniper, it is normal for me to take a different route from the rest of the group I was stationed outside the house and I was supposed to snipe anyone that came in view whether it be in windows or doors. I watched the others mercilessly get killed but there was nothing that I could do since I wasn't allowed to leave my post. After three hours no one left the house I tried using the headsets. No one was responding to me so I decided to go in and investigate. I crept around slowly inside and everyone was dead. I found a passage below the house that had a cave in so all I can conclude is that they escaped through then collapsed the tunnel. I never caught a glimpse of them through my scope." Sephira bowed and ended her report.

Claudia looked at the girl and saw that her physical build was rather good. "I am no longer worried about that. Before you leave, give me the target's address. I have a new mission for you I know that you are not meant to use the art of seduction. I have a target that I would like you to get secrets from but in order to do that, I will need you to seduce a man. Are you up for this mission?"

"I have been trained in the art of seduction but never been touched as I always killed my targets before they even had a chance. If you think that I am the right woman for the job then I will do as you ask. I am still under your contract." Sephira bowed once more.

"You are perfect for the job. It is a shame that you can't do it with someone you love but your target will definitely take a liking to you. You match his type to a tee." Claudia slides a piece of paper on the table. "This is your target, I want all the information you can get from him and where he is currently working."

Sephira's curiosity is piqued she steps forward and takes the paper and looks at the picture then reads the file information. "You want me to seduce your nephew's bodyguard to get information?" She pulls out a lighter and lights the paper on fire. "Consider this task formally accepted." She walked to the table and quickly wrote down the address on a sticky note and then stuck it on the file in front of Claudia. She reached her finger out and whispered, "it's a perfect target. I will enjoy the betrayal he will feel when I leave him." She walked out the front door slowly swinging her hips.