116 When Yuki was a Slave

Cedric followed and grabbed the tiara. "Yuki knows what these are for now. So you do not need to be hush, hush about it anymore. I gave her that memory back. You must have known about that seeing how you did not act surprised."

"I knew from the moment that we went to the manor. I was surprised that we were going there but it all clicked once we went there. I smiled a little inside. I didn't want you to think I was a spy in the beginning." Royce placed the crown on the loveseat.

Cedric brought the tiara to Yuki. "At that time I would've thought that but I know you better than that and my mind was clouded at that time. I am willing to bet that you heard Yuki's request so go ahead and get everything done."

"I am off Missus and Master. Be safe until I arrive back home." Royce bowed and left the building.