185 The Hunt Becomes the Hunted

Naomi leaned on Yuki's shoulder and hugged her arm. She stayed that way during the thirty-minute drive to the house. "Liliana is your other name I will call you that so that the stalker does not think about our relationship."

"Please do, Nao." Yuki touched Naomi's cheek and her face was full of love. "Show me around your house."

"Mmmmmmm," Naomi looked up at Cedric and then at Yuki. She lightly kissed Yuki on the cheek before getting out. "I have been looking forward to this for a while. We have been separated for a while, Liliana." She held out her hand.

Yuki stepped out and went and held Naomi's hand. "I know. It took me a while to hunt you down." The girls walked into the house. Yuki closed the door and pinned Naomi's hands above her head. She lifted her knee and started to rub Naomi's clit teasing her and she captured her lips kissing her deeply, "He is already here," she whispered.