Cedric picked up Yuki and disappeared from their sites taking her to their room on the ship. "The daylight is hurting you after absorbing all that moonlight. I do not want you in pain. I could feel it, just I can feel your emotions that are a little more powerful than last night. "Is there anything that you want to do?"

"Sleep, I am so tired from everything that happened. I know that I can stay up, but I am exhausted." Yuki was holding onto his neck.

Cedric took her to the bed and with a snap of his fingers they both were in pyjamas. First, he laid her down then he got in next to her and pulled her in close. "You and I are both exhausted. I used a lot of magic that I didn't intend to and the full moon was fun that I enjoyed myself thoroughly." Cedric covered them both with the blanket over them

Yuki curled up into his embrace then as she gets comfortable her eyes droop until she passes out.