275 To Trick the Tricker

Yuki turned slowly and looks at Claudia with some crocodile tears in her eyes. "I'm frightened. What does he mean by some fun? I thought we were going to go out for a meal."

"Oh my dear, you do not need to worry about that beast. If he tries anything bad, all you need to do is call me. She pulls out a business card and wrote her personal night on the back of the card. "I do not care what time you need to call me at; I will be there for you!" Claudia places the card in Yuki's hands then wraps her hands over Yuki's.

"Th-thank you so much. It is nice to know that I have such a sweet aunt on my side." Yuki lets the tears fall down her cheeks. 'Fuck, this bitch drives me fucking mad.' She looks over at the spare room. "Is your assistant okay? I haven't seen her today."