290 Termination

"This is perfect; thank you so much. I am glad that you had some. I can drink it black, but I prefer it sweetened a bit." Sam added a spoonful of sugar, then added creamer, stirred the drink, took a sip and sighed in happiness. She placed the cup down and started on the sandwich.

Cedric chugged the coffee and threw the cup away, and went back to typing on the computer. Finishing everything, tweaking it so that there were no loopholes, he hit print and started on the authority transfer. He quickly typed out everything and set it to go into effect in an hour from now. That would be the time that Adam, Yuki and Claudia would return. ~Okay, you can leave in thirty minutes. I have what I need to set up. I just need that time to get the rest done.~

Yuki smiled as the giant strawberry parfait was placed in front of her. "Thank you. This looks amazing! If it wouldn't melt, I would ask for two of these to go!"