The newest handsome bish

Ok, so what do we know?

1. I died and reincarnated

2. I'm a fujoshi

3. I'm a tree

4. There's an ike-men sleeping on me

So who is this handsome boi anyways? I never really paid attention in history class, so I don't know what area I'm in, but my guy over here, let's nickname him Nars (short for narcissistic), seems to be wearing some kind of military outfit. The very shiny, bronze-ish looking chest plate molded into two giant pecs and an 8-pack highlights his already muscular body. Damn son, those pecs are bigger than my boobs from my past life and I was an E-cup. He has to be what, at least 7 feet tall, and oh ma god that face, I think I'm drooling. He seems to have one of those flirtatious playboy faces. I just can't imagine this guy on a battlefield, he looks more like one of those useless playboy princes from those k-dramas I used to watch. What would his face look like with blood splattered across it? His long, wavy, golden hair is almost reflecting the sunlight, it's freaking blinding, or it would be if I had eyes.


This is gonna sound weird but bear with me, someone's climbing me. Seriously, they are physically climbing up my branches. It's a weird sensation, I don't know how to describe it exactly. Imagine you turned into a cat and someone started petting you from your tail to your head, it's that kind of feeling. Now, I don't really have eyes, so I'm not exactly sure how this works, but I can somehow see the guy that's climbing up me...

Goddamnit I was right.

Another ike-men showed up. This one has pitch-black hair...pfh... sorry.. haha... oh god it's a bowl cut. It's...ha.. and there's an empty space in the middle, um how to describe it... google "Aloysius O'Hare". It's like that but shorter. Phew, ok I'm fine now, ya know I probably would've laughed longer if it didn't look so damn good on him. I mean, usually you can never go right with bowl cuts, but this just somehow works... maybe because he's handsome and handsome guys look good in anything? Behind the two hair curtains are a pair of beautiful, deep blue eyes, but unlike how the sun reflects off the surface of the sea in a way that makes the water look like it's shining, this ike-men's eyes have no shine. It's like his eyes were taken from the depths of the ocean, from the very bottom of the sea, where barely any sunlight reaches. Because of that, his aura gives off a cold detached feeling, like someone you wouldn't want to get close to. His scrawny body is nimbly making his way up my branches and finally settles down on a branch right above Nars. Hmm, I wonder if this one is a tsundere? He has that cold, baby-face, tsundere type you see in manga. Ehh? Wait is he gonna jump down from there? I don't mean to brag but from comparing Nars' height of around 7 feet to me, I seem to be around 200~250 feet tall and even though Cold-kun is on one of the lowest branches from the ground it's still about 15 feet in the air, won't he get hurt if he jumps down? AH, STOP!!