



I can't sleep. Right, that makes sense. I mean first of all, I'm a tree. Second, I have neither eyes or eyelids to close. So, what to do,, I'm already bored. What am I supposed to do for 10 hours(the amount of sleep I got in my past life)? You better believe I'm not gonna "watch paint dry" for any more time than I already have. So what's left, well I now know I can kinda control this tree from how I was able to detach a leave from a branch earlier, so can I do anything else? Can I like, move the tree? Mmm, yeah no, that sounds impossible, but I guess it won't hurt to try some stuff out since I'm stuck here all night.

"7 hours later" Oh! Hello again, spongebob voice. Where does that come from, by the way?

Iiiiiiiiiiiits finally morning!!!!! It's still pretty early, but the sun is finally out. How did I do last night? Haha, it was torture, I swear I was about to go insane. I did end up working on controlling the direction of the flying leaves and can now be considered to be pretty good, if I do say so myself. I also found it something new, I can actually take a sapling from my tree and plant it in the ground by putting all my energy into rolling the seed and burrowing myself in the ground. At first I thought this was useless, since it takes forever for trees to grow, but in a short 3 hours the seed has already grown into a sapling. I estimate that it'll take about a day for the tree to be taller than the average male's height. This would be a great discovery if I wasn't scared of the idea that people walking around might notice a brand new tree that wasn't there the night before... haha. Well, some people that looked to be servants have occasionally walked past the new sapling but haven't noticed it, perhaps because it's still too small? The only outlier would be went Nars noticed me. Well whatever, it's not like I can't undo what's already been done, so I'll just wait till someone else notices. On the plus side, now I have a more permanent way of going places. Maybe I can place saplings all over the place to act like cameras, then I can just switch my consciousness to a different tree whenever something juicy occurs. If I do it that way, next time something happens I won't miss it, like when Nars and Cold-kun ran off to their meeting. Hehehe, if it's like this, I'll have my own personal spy cameras and I'll be able to get the best view of the performance. The only problem would be not being able to roll the saplings that far, even using 100% of my consciousness on the sapling I can only move 15 feet at most and the sapling is too heavy for the wind to carry on its own. How do plants usually do this again?... Right! They have carriers. So, I can just get someone to do all the work for me, let's try it.

I squeeze all of my consciousness into one sapling and attach myself onto the shoulder of one of the servants that pass by. The servant slowly carries me farther and farther away from the tree where my consciousness was previously. ah... how do you unstick yourself from another object... I didn't think this through did I? Welp, I guess I go wherever the wind carries me, or in this case, servant.