Blaze-kun’s new pet

We arrive in front of a historical looking sliding door. Blaze-kun opens the door and walks in to the very basic looking room that only contains the bare necessities, a futon, a writing desk(but I can't see what's on top from this persepective), and a chair. Wow man, where's the personality? Well, I guess it kinda fits the domineering side of Blaze-kun, all it needs now is a katana or two... ah, never mind. He just took the katana off his belt and placed it by his bed, on the floor. For protection, I guess? I mean, never know when an assassin gonna creep up behind you and separate your head from your body amiright?

After Blaze-kun put down the katana he moved over to the desk and sat down in the wooden chair. Now I have a better view of what's on the table. Hmm... your basic scrolls and ink and a small pot with some dirt in it. The Ike-men takes the seedling in his hand and carefully buried it in the dirt. He then leaves the room only to come back a little later, spooning water in his hand. ...Is this guy a dunce? Why is he carrying water in his hand, do bowls not exist in this time period? Haa... well of course they have to, I mean, a pot is just another type of bowl, right?

Blaze-kun slowly makes his way over, staring intently at the water, so as to make sure it doesn't spill. He carefully poured the water into the pot I'm currently residing in and then sits back down.*sparkles* Blaze-kun flashes a 'bright as the sun' smile toward my little self.

"Hey there little guy, I'm sorry for stepping on you earlier, in exchange for forgiveness I'll give you a comfy home!"

...Excuse me, mister but what did you do with Blaze-kun? The Ike-men I know is domineering to all hell, but what's with this gap moe? Are you sure you were talking to me... a sapling? I... I can't even answer you back.. wha, how am I suppose to respond to your smiling canine teeth. I can almost see two doggy ears and a tail. He... he's adorable!!! Ohhhh, I can imagine so many good kabedon scenes with Blaze-kun... would he be a top or a bottom though? The only other characters we've met so far are Nars and Cold-kun but I'm already shipping those two together... I could cross ship... NO, we want our manz to be filial, all of our men. Hmm... so we don't have anyone to ship Blaze-kun with, the only other character we know of is the "master", which I missed my chance to see when Nars and Cold-kun left for their meeting. But I don't know what kind of personality he has so he might or might not be a good ship with our puppy over here. I guess only time will tell, either way I'm stuck here for a while, so I might as well enjoy all the bonuses that come with living in Blaze-kun's room. I'll get to see a side to him that no one else will get to see(except for his future ship, of course)! Yeah, I'll also get to see...*imagines Blaze-kun undressing* *nosebleeds*... hmm, would he have a six-pack or an eight-pack? He's a swordsman so he has to be pretty buff, right? It's kinda hard to tell from the clothes he's wearing, but he has a pretty large stature, a wide back, and beefy arms and legs, which really stand out when he talks to me with a wagging dog tail and perked up ears. Well, i guess we'll just have to wait and see, it seems like I'll be staying here for a while anyhow.