... no escape

... well, I failed. Not just that super simple escape plan I came up with, but ten other mini escape plans I thought up after that. Yes, every single one of them failed. While I was failing miserably, Nars came back with another seed that was an exact copy of the one in the pot.

"I was right, they are the same!" Nars was breathing heavily as he entered the room. Blaze-kun turned to look down at the seed in Nars' hand, comparing it with the one in the pot.

"*agreeing grunt*, inform *******," ah, so it's really time for my execution. It seems that they're planning to call over Magi.

"Ah! Yes, that's a good idea. Let's go find him... and bring the bonsai with you," replied Nars. Oh, so we're going to him? Blaze-kun picked the pot up and followed Nars out of the room. They kept walking until we reached what's looks to be a laboratory. The 21st-century looking building stands out compared to its historical surroundings. This is the first time I've seen anything more modern looking... I wonder if the architecture was influenced by other possible reincarnators. Are there other reincarnators?... well, maybe we'll find out in the future.

I was brought into the lab along with another one of my seeds that was being carried by Nars. "*******, where are you?" Shouted Nars, cupping his hands over his mouth to intensify the sound of his voice... no answer. They walked around the lab looking for Magi, along the way I took in the surroundings. The first thing I noticed... very white. When I first stepped into the room I was almosted blinded by the shiny and bright interior of the lab, of course now my eyes have already adjusted and I can see everything more clearly. The room is with a lot of modern tech that you'd see in laboratories, but it also included things I didn't recognize and what looked to be arrays with weird symbols, I wonder what those are used for.

After a while, we finally chanced upon a small child, sleeping on a table by using his arms as pillows. He was wearing a lab coat that was way too big for him and circular, Golden-rimmed glasses. Who let this little boy play around in such a dangerous area? I can't even tell what half of this stuff is, so how is what looks to be a 12-13 year old child supposed to know? Nars lightly taps on the little boy's shoulder to wake him up.

"Hmm...oh, what do you want,"lazily replied the shota in a suuuuuuper gruff and deep voice. HOOOOOOOOOLY, I completely didn't not expect that. Seriously, all these characters seem to have some kinda twist to them that makes me rethink my view on otome games. Those unoriginal and repetitive characters seem even more bland compared to these guys.

Hmm... uh, I didn't notice this earlier because over half of the shota's face was covered by his arms but his big, green, sparkling eyes complement his short hair that resembles the color of fresh grass. His baby face doesn't go well with his deep, manly voice that makes one picture seasoned war veteran who's highly decorated and has earned many metals for bravery. Yes, the shota's face reminds one of a doll, with a pale skin tone and rosy cheeks, clear of any blemishes.

*clunk* Blaze-kun, still sporting a domineering aura, sets the pot down, in front of the shota. Nars similarity placed down the seed he was carrying and says," Can you look into something for us?" The shota looks bothered, why are they asking him and not Magi? Right when the shota starts to go back to sleep Nars leans in real close, plasters on a puppy dog look, and whines,"Please?" Damn Nars, I didn't know that guy who started at himself in a mirror for 10 minutes could actually plead with someone, and a child at that.

The shota looks disgruntled and replies,"...fine."

Nars shows a hint of a smirk, I don't think the drowsy shota notices though,"Thanks, *******." ...Eh? EH! Wait, don't tell me this shota is the so-called magician, Magi???