
If I had eyes, they would have just popped out of they're sockets. He... did Magi-kun just call himself by the nickname I gave him?

"Oh, so it's a nickname. Not very creative are we?" I can hear Magi-kun's voice even though his lips aren't moving? And... isn't he talking to me!? Magi-kun, Magi-kun, why does it sound 10x better from his voice? The soft but strict temperament that is Magi-kun's voice would complement his serious expression if not for the fact that he's a baby-faced child. Magi-kun's expression turns grim... uhh did I say something wrong just now? "A baby-faced child, you say? ...I guarantee that I'm more mature than you."

Uhh... right, I forgot about the whole mind reading thing while I was consumed by my thoughts.

"Not that I want to be swimming through your weird thoughts, but it seems my hypothesis was correct."

Hypothesis? What hypothesis?

"Based on the data I obtained from the experiment that I just held, I hypothesized that the unknown species of plant, you, had intellect and it seems I was correct." Magi-kun, that's an impressive vocabulary you have there, very adult like, wink.

Magi-kun's face turns a shade redder, "I AM an adult! And why are you saying the word "wink"?"

Because I have no eyes, obviously, eye roll.

"...again. Anyways, now that I know you are an intellectual being, this has become way more interesting. Originally I thought they were messing around when they brought you to my lab. But I still don't completely understand what you are, you have thoughts and can speak but the machine isn't detecting any brainwaves. I need more information..." Magi-kun grumbled an entire conversation to himself, at least I don't think he was talking to me...


"I'm going to ask you a couple of questions, be as in depth as possible."

Sigh, this sounds like a lot of trouble.

Magi-kun face twitches for an instant, "Then, how can I get you to cooperate?"

Hehehe, if I had a mouth, I'd be grinning from ear to ear, what should I make him do and with whom?