The bachelorette(Magi-kun’s choice)

" *sigh*, then... I'll choose Blaze-kun," Magi-kun replies with a defeated expression.

Ooh, interesting choice, I'm not totally against it either. Your childlike body matches perfectly for Blaze-kun's muscular and toned one. That childlike face glares at me after I made that comment.

"... ok, I'll go complete the task and come back."

Ah, how stupid do you think I am? You obviously have to take me with you otherwise I won't know if you're actually tricking me and decide to lie about hugging Blaze-kun.

"... it would look weird if I were to carry a sapling with me just to engage in physical contact with someone, it would look bizarre..."

...why did you say it like that? You said my vocabulary is bad but yours is just plain weird. "Engage in physical contact," who says it like that?

"Is there anything wrong with the way I speak?"

...No. It's just, your use of certain words... could be taken out of contact.

Magi-kun tilts his head to the side with a puzzled look on his face as he says," Which words? How can they be taken out of contact?"

Ahh, I see, your still a novice in this area. No worries, you'll learn sooner or later.

"Learn what?"

It's fine, it's fine, pay no mind to my ramblings. Anyways, if you can't take me with you, then just bring Blaze-kun to me.

"To the lab? But I have no reason to bring him here, what do I say if he asks?"

I don't know, just make something up.

Bewildered, Magi-kun replies,"b-but that's lying!"

Oh wow, I knew you were naive but not to this extent. Hehehe, this is gonna get interesting real fast.

"I-I am not! Lying? That's easy, so easy I could do it blindfolded!" Magi-kun states as he storms out of the lab with a slight blush.

Hmm, is it just me or do all of these ikemen have a double-sided personality? For example, when I first saw Cold-kun he looked emotionless but once he started talking to Nars, he gained some shine in his eyes. During the time Blaze-kun took care of me I came to understand that he'd show a domineering aura in front of others but had a soft spot for plants and would often take on a puppy persona and converse with them. Magi-kun also seems to have two sides to him. The only person I haven't seen a double personality from is Nars... maybe there's another side to that playboy I just don't know about yet? And there's still that commander character we haven't met yet.

Well I'll find all of that out eventually, for now, let's just keep looking forward... uh... how long will it take for Magi-kun to come back?