Curious and clumsy

I was kept in a daze for a short while after Manbun left, recalling manga that has similar characters from my previous life. By the time I woke up from my daze, the mysterious ikemen was long gone.

...I'm bored. Agh, I know, I know, I get bored way too easily, but can you blame me? I'm from a generation that's constantly on their phone, computer, or other tech device. I've grown used to always doing something and have developed a short attention span. After I reincarnated, I haven't had anything to do and it's been killing me. Who chose to place my consciousness into a tree. Other reincarnators get to be the protagonist or villain of their favorite novel or game, they get cheat-like skills, and the plot always revolves around them. Now, what do I get, the body of a plant, no cheats, and no system. What am I supposed to do here? What is my purpose in being reincarnated? Does my existence... ok, let's stop there. That got a little to dark for this type of light-hearted story. And who cares about what happens to me, I'm here to stand on the sidelines and watch all the bl goodness with a drink and popcorn.

Speaking of which, when is Magi-kun gonna get back? Ah, and there was that question of what Magi-kun studies. If I look around the room, all I see are machines similar to Earth, and magic circle things that remind me of animes with magic. There's actually one next to me, is definitely smaller than the other ones, about the size of a drink coaster and it looks like it's connected to what appears to be a scientific microscope, or something reminiscent of one.

... I wanna touch it.

I haven't had any contact with magic since coming to this world, unless you count my existence, so having something magic-related right in front of me makes me curious. But curious curiosity killed the cat... good thing I'm a plant. I bend my beaches to get as close to the magic rune as possible, but there's still about a 3 inch space between the closest branch and the circle. The closest branch has a total of 5 leaves on it, which means I have five chances to reach the magic circle.

(4 leaves later)

My luck is terrible... I'm on my final leaf. My last chance to see what this device does, lets do it. I pull my consciousness into that last chance and pluck myself from the tree. I let the small airflow, caused by a vent behind me, to carry me to the magic device. Even though I've gotten better at controlling the leaf and air flow, all my experience comes from outside. The wind outside is usually stronger, so it's easier to travel, but with the air vent, the flow of air is soft so it's a challenge to move from one place to another, even if it's only 3 inches.

The leaf is carried closer and closer to the magic circle until...