Explanation time

Haha... so, funny story...

I then proceed to tell him everything that happened while he was gone, excluding the part about Manbun. Magi-kun doesn't need to know about our encounter.

"So, you were bored." Magi-kun stares at me with a "this child, tut tut" look.

Hey, it's your fault for taking forever, how can I not get bored? Annnnd, he's not listening. Magi-kun already started mumbling off to the side but it's loud enough to grasp a couple of words.

"...movement...arithmetic.....space-time.....quantum magic...."

yeaaaaah, I have no idea what he's going on about. Magi-kun abruptly stops to stare at me with sparkling eyes. Uhhh, I wanna say it's giving me chills, but the sparkle in his eyes just enhance his baby face.

Ah, he frowned...HEY! Stop reading my thoughts!

"How else would I be able to know what you saying?"



I don't know... but it's annoying.

"Deal with it. I'm going to run some tests, if my theory is correct... this will be groundbreaking." Wahh, such a genuine smile... he must really enjoy his work.

"A few hours later" says the voice from spongebob.

Seriously, where does that even come from??? Anyways, For the past couple of hours Magi-kun has been "analyzing" data, and continually plucked over half my leaves and even took some bark with it. The peeling of the bark was literal torture, it felt like he was peeling my skin off.

I told him I could do it myself but he said it would take to long and then proceeded to pluck another leave from its branch with a wide grin on his face... I think he's a sadist.

Never underestimate the chibis... NEVER. Thank god I can't sleep, otherwise I'd be having nightmares about the things he did to me...*shivers*

"Hmm? Why are you shivering?" Magi-kun noticed my leaves shake out of the corner of his eye.

Ah, nothing, I'm fine.He stares at me for a second longer before resuming whatever he was working on.

Y'know I'm really impressed, Magi-kuns been working nonstop for the past couple of hours, but he hasn't lost focus once. Actually... he might be too focused, we've already passed lunchtime, but he hasn't stopped to eat or... use the restroom once during this entire time.

Ahh, so that's why you're still the size of a chibi with the age of an adult. Ah, whoops, he heard me, but I think I've gotten somewhat used to his glare.

He turns his focus back to the mixture he was working on when a *ding* sounded and Magi-Kim's back instantly straightened.

Oh? Are we finally done? Not that I have anything better to do.

"Success!" Magi-kun raises the clear liquid to eye level (which tbh isn't that high) and swishes it around in the glass beaker. He then turns to me, stars in his eyes. Magi-kun then says some that would haunt me for the rest of my life,"Time to test it out," shiver run down my back... not that I have a back, but if I did, that's what it would do.