Sneak attack(for real this time)

...and you are it. Blaze-kun it is then.

I fly to Blaze-kun's room. He should be there, according to the schedule... Ah, yeah, there wasn't much to do in his room and I could not practice my flying skills so I somehow ended up keeping track of everything Blaze-kun does. When he wakes up, when he eats, how long it takes him to leave his room and come back, stuff like that.

According to my schedule, he should be in his room right now. I stop in front of the door and just as I was about to open it, I decide to take a detour and go through the window.

Opening the sliding door might create a sound, which would give away my presence and then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore, would it?

I slowly creep up to Blaze-Kun's window and peer inside to grasp the situation before a make any careless moves that might expose myself.

Blaze-kun is at the desk, I assume he's writing something but taking a close look, it seems I'm wrong. Instead, he's just listlessly staring off into space, his head in the direction of where the bonsai he used to chat with used to be placed. It seems he's distracted with his thoughts, this makes it easier for me.

I try to act like Cold-kun and erase my presence. Look at me, acting all stealthily and cool, I should take up work as a ninja.


Wah! That scared me. I was careless, good thing I didn't say that out loud, or else Blaze-kun would of heard me. Ok, no more messing around.

I sneak close to Blaze-kun, hiding in his blind spot.

2 feet away

1 foot away

I'm right behind him, I'm so close I could touch his fiery, red hair. what? I was planning to hug him from behind but I didn't think it through. I knew I was small, but not this small...comparing me to Blaze-kun...I'm a little smaller than the height of his head. Can I just hug his head or is that impolite?

We spent a lot of time together, though it was mostly just a one-sided conversation, but during the time I was living here I really learnt a lot about Blaze-kun and I think of us as friends...

But to him, I'm just a plant. What if... he feels threatened, because I know so much about him and because of that, he doesn't trust me... what if, I'm the only one that thought of us as friends?

Woooo...that got dark real quick...

Eh, whatever, if that actually comes to happen, we'll deal with it at that time.



