Operation: Overthrow the King

So...this guy is the bos-commander of all these ikemen. Sigh, they really deserve better.

"...eh? Y-You're the boss..." I stutter out.

Manbun raises and eyebrow while Magi-kun looks at me like I just committed a sin," How dare you call him "boss"! That is incredibly disrespectful and considering your position I could have you executed for insubordination." Magi-kun looks at me, matter-of-factly. (`_´)ゞ

This idiot... "What position? I'm a tree."

"Ah(-_-;)..." Ha. Looks like he forgot.

My words seem to peak Manbun's interest as he stares daggers at the idiot,"Tree?"(¬_¬)

I feel like he's ignoring my existence...(T ^ T)

"S-Sir! Reporting,..."




Magi-kun then proceeds to tell Boss everything he knows, which doesn't include when I met Manbun in the lab and the fact that I visited the other ikemen.

"So, you were that plant."(T_T)

Eh? Does he not care about the plant now that he knows it was me? Hey, remember you said you liked me... of course that was before you knew I was conscious...

"Yeah! I told you I wasn't a spy or whatever you thought I was." I'm still mad about that, by the way.

"I see."(T_T)

...is he not gonna apologize? This- I can't let this go on! As a good samaritan I have a sense of justice! I cannot let this slide, I will stand up against the evil! I will change this man for the better! And to do that...(-᷅ ͜ -᷄ ) I need enough power to overrule him. There's no way he'll listen to me if I don't have the influence, but if all of his subordinates are on my side... after all, a king cannot be a ruler without citizens.(╹◡╹)

But currently, I'm not confident enough to say that all the ikemen subordinates will choose him over me, so let's lay low for a while, bide my time, and make some friends.

This is a good plan, me!

Thanks, me!

Ok let Operation:Overthrow the king commence!

So...what now?

"So what now? Am I free to go?" I ask the evil Boss.

"Go where?" (T_T)

Uhhhhh, where should I go? I don't really have anywhere to live...I could go back to the main tree, but staying there would be equal to watching paint dry, long and boring. Hmm...

"...just hang around." I try to say nonchalantly, trying not to give away the fact that I've been here for a while and already know the people living in it.

"You plan to stay?"( ̄^ ̄)

Ah, he does not look happy at all, this grump.

Haa, like I haven't been living in this place without anyone's permission for a while now. It's a little late to try to kick me out now, not that you can.

"You don't want me to stay here?"( ^ω^ )

Heh, he can probably tell I'm up to sometime from the look on my face. Manbun puts up his guard,"...No."

"Then you're gonna have to throw me out yourself. ψ(`∇´)ψ" Then I quickly dash away, using my full speed to fly out of his sight.